Astrology Forecast for Mon., Sept. 25th – Sun., Oct. 1st, 2017 – If I had to choose a quote that encompasses what last week was like for me, I would go with: “When the mind is in a state of uncertainty the smallest impulse directs it to either side.” — Terence, ancient roman playwright
This week’s headline items: on Monday, it’s time to take actions on our New Moon Intentions, the first Quarter Moon in Capricorn becomes exact on Wednesday late evening, Pluto comes to a halt on Thursday afternoon (ending it’s retrograde phase), and finally, Mercury changes signs from Virgo to Libra on Friday evening.

There will also be two Moon VoC phases this week: Wednesday morning (for a little over 5 hours), and Friday evening (for almost 4.5 hours).

Monday (September 25th) at 12:01am EDTthe Moon moves into optimistic, adventurous, truth-seeking Sagittariuswhere it will journey until Wednesday early afternoonWe’re strongly motivated to explore and learn. We’re not likely to be big fans of routine — diversity and new adventures work best at this time — we’re also physically restless and need to burn that off with activity and physical exercise.
We tend to feel more open, optimistic and inspired — but we also have a high degree of independence, which means we’d rather inspire others to do things our way, than take orders. Inspiring others could come easier than normal, as we can see the bigger picture, leaving us confident that others will agree with us, once they see what we see. 
As best as you can, speak your truth without assuming that everyone is on the same page as you. Improvisation works well for us at this time, as we are spontaneous and love living on the edge — just watch out you aren’t overdoing or overstating things.  

Monday late morning, a challenging Mercury/Saturn aspect becomes exact at 10:36am EDT. We started to feel this aspect from last Saturday on; it will remain strong until this Wednesday evening. This aspect asks us to stretch a little, to grow and mature. Watch out for misunderstandings or rigid thinking, not only when it comes to interacting with others, but also when it comes to your own inner dialog. 
On the one hand, Mercury in Virgo wants us to communicate in a practical and precise manner… On the other hand, Saturn in Sagittarius reminds us that before we can think about what we want to create or bring forth, we need to look at the larger picture and get to the core of what we believe life is truly about, right here, right now — not what it was 5 or 10 years ago. What is actually so? 

As best as you can, find creative ways to connect to the details, while remaining committed to the exploration of your true beliefs. What is life really about? What is yourlife about?

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 19-25 degrees of Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini or Pisces? If so, you will be more affected by this aspect. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Gemini, Virgo or Capricorn (Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and Virgo; Saturn rules Capricorn)

If you set your New MoonIntentions last week Wednesday or Thursday, soon after the New Moon became exact, Monday will be a great time to take relevant actions. If you wrote your intentions down, go back and take another look at what came through intuitively. If you didn’t write anything down, get quiet for a moment and check in with yourself: What actions are calling to you?

Tuesday (Sept. 26th)the Moon remains in optimistic, adventurous, truth-seeking Sagittarius all day (see Monday very early morning for details).
Very early Tuesday morning: we may need to make some adjustments; as best you can, honor both your need for adventure and the exploration of life, versus your need to get it “right”, or at least to improve your daily routines. 
You may also feel a pull between introversion and extroversion, or simply fast and slow; be as kind to yourself as you’re able. There are no mistakes, no “bad” decisions… 
Tuesday evening: we get the sense that we must take more responsibility for how we feel and make a commitment towards a greater truth — greater than our conditioning — so as best you can, slow down and take a look at the stories you tell yourself on a daily basis. Do they help you manifest your long-term goals? 

Wednesday (Sept. 27th)the Moon remains in optimistic, adventurous, truth-seeking Sagittarius until 12:24pm EDT (see Monday very early morning for details).

Wednesday at 7:08am EDT, we enter a Moon void of course (VoC). that lasts for a little over 5 hours until 12:24pm EDT. Use this intuitive time for connecting to like-minded people and learning something new about your unique self. Here’s a question to ponder: How wide could your vision for humanity become? 
As always with a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don’t start anything brand-new, stick to routine things, or simply go with the flow. You may also want to plan Wednesday morning ahead of time 😉 

Wednesday at 12:24pm EDTthe Moon moves into practical, accomplishment-oriented Capricornwhere it will journey until Friday night/Saturday very early morning. We tend to be more realistic, serious, cautious; this can support practical endeavors and financial matters. 
Our ambition surges and brings with it a need for structure and planning; when you add in the pragmatism this aspect supports, you can see how this could be a very productive time for business and long-term goals. Our reputation becomes very important to us. 
As best as you can during this aspect, avoid “should-ing” on yourself. Take the pressure off, perhaps by saying “I am doing the best I can and that’s all I can ever do” 😉
Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn; it’s transiting through Sagittarius right now, making this a great time to explore limiting beliefs and bust through conditioned thought structures — and those stories we tell ourselves about “what was”, rather than what actually “is”. It’s also a great time to take a more serious look at the “meaning of life”. 
As best as you can, be authentic about your beliefs: Do they actually match your direct experience of life — as it is for you now, rather than 5 or 10 years ago? What is true as of now? What is not? This Moon placement starts the build up towards the first Quarter Moon (exact later this evening).

Wednesday evening, a Mercury/Chiron opposition becomes exact at 6:12pm EDT. We started to feel this aspect from Tuesday evening on; it will remain strong until Saturday. We have a chance to balance our ability to think and speak clearly with our emotional wounding and insecurities. 

This aspect may play out in a relationship, with each of you living out one side of the equation. We may experience guilt or shame around something we said or didn’t say. 
If you feel triggered by someone else, or vice versa: as best as you can, bring compassion and kindness towards both of you. Ask yourself: Is this connected to my past and/or upbringing? What if this were an opportunity to embrace my wounded inner child with love and kindness?

Do you have your Ascendent (or personal planets) in 23-29 degrees of Virgo, Pisces, Gemini or Sagittarius? If so, you will be most affected by this aspect. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Gemini, Virgo (Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo).

Wednesday late evening, at 10:54pm EDT, the first Quarter Moon in 5 degrees of Capricorn becomes exact. We started to feel this aspect from the moment the Moon entered Capricorn, earlier today at 12:24pm EDTThe Moon in practical, accomplishment-oriented Capricorn makes a challenging aspect to the Sun inbalance-seeking, relationship-oriented Libra. 
We feel compelled to take action. Last week, on Sept. 20th, the New Moon in Virgo became exact: “Seeds” planted then are probably “sprouting” by now — and making their first real contact with the outside world. This is therefore a time to stretch and grow — and create some forward momentum. We may feel anxious or unusually busy. 
As best as you can, go one breath at a time. Allow for changes, remain flexible (as much as possible), and find creative solutions for your day-to-day interactions with others.  
Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in any of the following: 3-7 degrees of  Capricorn, Libra, Aries or Cancer? If so, you will feel the effects of this first Quarter Moon more strongly than otherwise. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign inLeoorCancer(the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).

Thursday (Sept. 28th)the Moon remains in practical, accomplishment-oriented Capricorn all day (see Wednesday early afternoon for details).

Thursday very early morning, a long-term Jupiter/Uranus opposition becomes exact at 12:25am EDT. We started to feel this aspect build from September 10th on; it will remain strong until October 10th. This is the third exact opposition since the end of last year;it was also exact on Dec. 26th, 2016 and March 2nd, 2017. Think back to those times… what needed your attention? 

This opposition is part of wide T-square that also involves Pluto. Since Pluto is exalted at the time of this opposition, we will definitely be feeling the energy of this wide T-square. Click here to read my article on the subject — or email us at and write “T-Square” in the subject line — my assistant will email you the article 😉
Back in January 2011, we experienced a Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in 27 degrees of Pisces: What seeds of change got planted in your life back then? Which of those seeds have sprouted and flourished? Which might need a little extra something to help them bear fruit?

This aspect is an invitation to stay open and flexible in regards to our interactions with people. Our beliefs around justice and cooperation could be challenged. We are asked to create balance between personal freedom and progress, versus harmony and exciting new connections with others. 

We seek to free ourselves of restrictions, obligations, and responsibilities; it’s definitely a restless time, socially and personally. We may be motivated to make changes or adjustments to personal goals or relationships. Whatever form it takes, we are inclined to try something new and unexpected, something that could make a difference, something meaningful. 
It may be true that something does indeed need to change (socially or otherwise); however, we need to step back, see the bigger picture, not rush into anything. As best as you can, keep taking actions without burning any bridges, even if it seems that you are not making any progress. Above all, be open to feedback from others during this time — this is important, because sudden or rash movements might backfire. 
What does “new and unexpected” look like to you? How can we accomplish change without discounting input from others? What if we could allow change without aggression? One last thought: take it one moment at a time, there is no need to rush anything 😉 Ask yourself: Could I allow myself to be uncomfortable, just for this transition phase?
If you missed our last FORECASTING FORUM, feel free to buy the mp4-video presentation of this wonderful event. We talked about the Jupiter/Uranus Oppositionin relationship to our own Birth charts. 
If you want to know how these planetary movements are impacting you personally, click here and add the Monthly Forecasting Forum to your cart 😉 This week only: get a 25% discount of this Forum’s video presentation!
Do you have your Ascendent, Career Point (or any personal planets) in the following: 24-29 degrees of Libra, Aries, Capricorn, Cancer, or 0-1 degrees of Scorpio, Taurus, Leo  or AquariusIf so, you may be more affected by this aspect. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Aquarius (the Sun rules Leo; Uranus rules Aquarius). 
Thursday late morning, a somewhat challenging Mercury/Uranus aspect becomes exact at 9:55am EDT. We started to feel this aspect from Wednesday evening on; it will remain strong until Friday. This aspect also operates more on an internal level. We feel uneasy about something, almost awkward — and we need to make a choice. An inner awareness needs to be developed if we’re to see what needs adjusting.
It can be hard to make decisions under this influence, as we tend to doubt our perceptions, or our problem-solving ability. It may also be hard to read the intention behind the words used to communicate, leading to misunderstandings: we tend to feel uncomfortable — a sort of “inner itchiness”. 
As best as you can, give yourself time to respond, allow your breath to ground you — and forgive yourself if you make mistakes — after all, you are human 😉 
Do you have your Ascendent, Career Point (or any personal planets) in 26-29 degrees of Virgo or Aries? If so, you will be more affected by this aspect. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius (Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and Virgo; Jupiter of Sagittarius).

Also on Thursday (at 3:36pm EDT)Pluto comes to a halt in almost 17 degrees of Capricorngoing direct, after completing its 5-month retrograde phase (April 20th – Sept. 28th). Pluto’s energy will continue to move more slowly until Oct. 10th. 

When an outer planet stops, its energy gets more pronounced; we become more aware of its impact on us — and this can sometimes cause discomfort. We are being asked to hang out with that discomfort until the planet’s energy has picked up speed again (around Oct. 10th).

During the retrograde phase, we had a chance to connect to anything associated with Pluto from within. Pluto is associated with our soul purpose, as well as the process of empowerment — our ability to feel empowered from within — and with our deepest passions. This forced us to see what really motivates us.

For the last 5 months, we’ve needed to tap into inner authenticity, embracing all of ourselves: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Now we can bring this inner authenticity to the outer world: We are ready to let go of any habits, behaviors or fears that were holding us back from feeling fully empowered from within.
Whatever we have intuitively learned about our inner passion, inner strength and Soul’s purpose, we are now ready to bring to the outside world. This deeper connection is going to serve us in our journey towards authenticity. We can now build long-term goals that are in alignment with our Soul’s purpose. Ask yourself: What do I “just know”, deep down?
If you missed our last FORECASTING FORUM, feel free to buy the mp4-video presentation of this wonderful event. We talked about thePluto Station in Capricorn (getting ready to go direct)in relationship to our own Birth charts. 
If you want to know how these planetary movements are impacting you personally, click here and add the Monthly Forecasting Forum to your cart 😉 This week only: get a 25% discount of this Forum’s video presentation!
Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 15-19 degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Libra or Aries? If so,  you will feel this station more strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Scorpio (Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio) 

Friday (Sept. 29th)the Moon remains in practical, accomplishment-oriented Capricorn all day (see Wednesday early afternoon for details).

Friday evening, a Venus/Neptune opposition becomes exact at 8:12pm EDT. We started to feel this aspect from Wednesday evening on; it will remain strong until Monday (Oct. 2nd). We are ready to dissolve anything that we valued in the past that no longer serves either ourselves or humanity. 
Our relationships might feel confusing or disappointing, they might even be some of the things “dissolving” — but this is helping us get more connected with our inner knowingness, or our inner sensing of what feels “right”. Compassion may play a big role in our interactions.
This also might not be the best time to start a new relationship, as we have the tendency to idealize others, leading to disappointment down the line. As best as you can, find your inner balance with what’s real and what’s not… and allow others to be human, limitations and all 😉
Financially, we may want to invest in creative or spiritual endeavors that include others, but hold off on buying anything concrete or practical until after Oct. 2nd.
Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in the following placements: 9-15 degrees of Pisces, Virgo,Sagittarius or Gemini ? If so, you are more affected by this aspect. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Taurus, Libra or Pisces (Venus is the ruler of Taurus and Libra; Neptune rules Pisces).

Friday at 8:14pm EDT, we enter a Moon void of course (VoC). that lasts for almost 4.5 hours until 12:40am EDT (Saturday very early morning). You may be aware of two seemingly conflicting desires: On the one hand, a need for serious, diligent accomplishment — and on the other, a desire to explore your relationships and collaborations. 
As best as you can, take some breaks, and find some balance with this. As always with a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don’t start anything brand-new, stick to routine things, or simply go with the flow. You may also want to plan Friday night ahead of time 😉

Friday at 8:42pm EDT, Mercury changes signs from practical and discerning Virgo to harmony-seeking and diplomatic Librawhere it will journey until October 17th. Mercury in Libra changes the way we communicate and think. We are more likely now to see things from multiple points of view and to think in abstractions, this helps us be objective. 
We have a strong sense of justice and look for ways to make compromises. We speak and act diplomatically; this comes from our desire for harmony, peace, win/win outcomes. We feel better when we are not pressured into making quick decisions. Very probably, the two things we will most avoid at this time are confrontations and emotional intensity.
Do you have your Ascendant or Sun-sign in Gemini or Virgo? If so, you will feel a greater need for justice and fairness. Do you have your Ascendent or Sun-sign in Libra? If so, you will most likely feel more chatty for the next 3 weeks.

Saturday (Sept. 30th) at 12:40am EDTthe Moon moves into freedom-loving, forward-thinking Aquarius, where it will journey until until Monday late morningWith this Moon placement, we often feel emotionally detached; when we do connect to our feelings, it’s typically from a cerebral, intellectual place. We need a cause or project that resonates — preferably one where we can connect with like-minded people.
For the next couple of days, we’ll tend to be more eccentric or experimental; future-related issues like politics or education call to us now, as do unusual or even esoteric subjects like Astrology, UFOs… indeed anything from outer space. Our scientific approach to things leans on originality and ingenuity; we definitely love being unconventional. 
The increased value we place on personal and emotional independence could make us come off as indifferent or cold in one-on-one interactions. That said, we can still be friendly and kind, provided we aren’t pushed into doing something conventional or unethical. 

Sunday (October 1st): the Moon remains in freedom-loving, forward-thinking Aquarius all day (see Saturday very early morning for details).

Sunday evening, a harmonious Mars/Pluto aspectbecomes exact at 7:36pm EDT. We started to feel this aspect from Tuesday evening on; it will remain strong until Friday, October 6th. This aspect brings a powerful ability to pursue and accomplish our objectives. We are able to see more clearly where we are heading and where we want to commit. 
Our vitality and energy levels are at a high point. We are most likely feeling ambitious and dynamic right now. Our recuperative powers are excellent and our health is robust. We might feel inspired to build up our physical strength during this astrological influence, and this is a good idea — we can develop greater endurance and vitality now, which will rejuvenate our body.
This is definitely a strong energy for steady, practical, down-to-earth work on a project. It is also quite a sexy combination. As best as you can, leverage this powerful mixture of energies to go after the things you have been wanting for a while now… and as Pluto is involved, use it all to fulfill on your Soul’s purpose.
Anything that we feel deeply passionate about and that feels in complete alignment with our deepest core, is very likely part of our Soul’s journey. What moves you? What turns you on? Not just on a physical level but also on an emotional and spiritual level? If you had all the resources that you needed, what might you choose to manifest?
Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 14-20 degrees of Virgo, Capricorn, or Taurus? If so, you will be even more blessed by this aspect than those who do not; this is also true for those of us with our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Ariesor Scorpio (Mars being the ruler of Aries; Pluto rules Scorpio)
A head’s up for next Monday (Oct. 2nd)the Moon remains in freedom-loving, forward-thinking Aquarius until 10:26am EDT. At 7:13am EDT, we enter a Moon void of course (VoC). that lasts for a little over 3 hours until 10:26am EDTAt that time, the Moon moves into Pisces, where it will journey until Wednesday late afternoon. More about all the details in next week’s forecast 😉 
One More Announcement:
Join me for my next FORECASTING FORUM, on FridayOct. 6th, 2017 at 12pmPT/ 3pm ET/8pm BST (London-time). Please note that we will be talking about Jupiter changing signs from Libra to Scorpio on Oct. 10th and moving through this powerful sign until Nov. 2018, in relationship to our own birth charts.
If you want to know how all of this is going to impact you personally, join me live or sign up for the mp4-video presentation. Other than booking a reading with me, this is the highest level of support you can get — and it’s only $24 for the 90-minute webinar. To register now, click here 
Here are some testimonials from two of our participants right after joining our most recent Forum:

“The webinar is super valuable, especially having done a full reading with Sonja already. It’s like going to astrology school in a way 🙂 Sonja’s format is very understandable for novice and beginners, but also advanced enough for people who are experts”.— Tatia B.
“Thanks once again – really like how you are able to hone in the emotional story needed for growth.”— Belinda T.
Have a fantastic week! 
Many blessings,
PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and feel free to go to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecasts 😉  

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Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

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Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085