Saturn-Pluto alignment — article

On Jan. 12th at 11:59am EST, a Saturn/Pluto alignment in almost 23 degrees of Capricorn became exact. (we’ve been feeling the effects of this aspect since Dec. 5th, 2019; it will remain strong until Feb. 19th, 2020).

The last time we saw a Saturn-Pluto alignment was in November 1982, and then again in May-June, 1983; back then it was in a late degree of Libra, the time before then was in August 1947 in 13º of Leo — as you can see this is quite a long cycle — anywhere from 32 – 38 years, in fact.

It’s time to think seriously about what no longer works for us, both individually, and collectively; this is a time when dedication and commitment to goals runs high and we are more reliably and consistently productive. We derive satisfaction from a job well done, especially if we can readily find meaning in what we are doing — and are more able to concentrate, as we can see ourselves and our purpose very clearly, and also see that our persistence will pay off.

The invitation to adjust our expectations becomes obvious; any trials and tests that emerge now will nudge us onto the right path and challenge us to become stronger and more confident in our own abilities. Do your best to detox and de-stress.

Facing realities that we have conveniently avoided is definitely part of this transit. With any long-term cycle, you can set some intentions around what it is you would like to create, so ask yourself


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Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 20-26 degrees of Capricorn, Aries, Libra or Cancer? If so, you will be more affected by this aspect. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Capricorn or Scorpio (Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn; Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio).

If you would like to learn how the Saturn/Pluto alignment in Capricorn is impacting you personally… feel free to watch my webinar about those powerful transits — in relationship to your own Birth Chart… To purchase this webinar, click here.

Lunar Eclipse in Cancer — article

Before we get started, I would like to make an important announcement: Everyone who is currently a Star or SuperStar Member of my online community, please make sure to watch the coming Forecasting Forum, live on Jan. 12th at 11:30am EST, or  via the video recording. I will be making some very important changes to my Star and SuperStar Memberships, and I want you all to know about them, so you are informed how to best take advantage of your Membership in 2020.

On Jan. 10th at 2:21pm EST, the Moon opposes the Sun (in 20 degree of Cancer-Capricorn) — this is a Lunar Eclipse becoming exact. This powerful Full Moon is actually the second of two Eclipses in a row; the first one was the Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on Dec. 25/26th.

Eclipses are always powerfully connected to the Moon Nodes and thus to our Soul’s Journey. Relationships of all kinds are highlighted during this time — but with this powerful Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse, there is a particularly strong emphasis on family- and business-relationships. If you’d like to learn more, and as a Member of my online community, click here to watch my Lunar Eclipse video.

Lots of planets are involved in this powerful Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse chart — Mercury, Saturn, Pluto, Uranus and Neptune — and all play an important role, so buckle up! More about the specifics in regards to all of these planets in a moment….

This Full Moon is also the first Lunar Eclipse in Cancer since the Moon Nodes moved into Cancer/Capricorn in late 2018. This puts an emphasis on taking a nurturing approach towards ourselves and the collective. With Eclipses this is a longer term process — in this case, a process that will last until November 2020.

Let’s take a look at the polarities involved hereThe Moon in protective, feeling-oriented Cancer opposes the Sun in practical, accomplishment-oriented Capricorn. We have a heightened sense that something must be brought into balance and reintegrated; the balance in question is between the experience of our feelings and emotional needs (symbolized by Cancer), versus our outer obligations or material, practical goals (Capricorn).

It’s important to realize that we all have limitations and challenges in life — and when we approach those in a nurturing way, taking care of our feeling body, our inner baby, and allow ourselves to receive support from “family connections”, we are more likely to overcome those challenges and be realistic about our and other people’s limitations.

Ask yourself: How am I balancing the demands of my outer and inner life? Home life vs. career? Where am I able to be mature and self-reliant — and also contribute? Where am I giving too much? Not enough?

Any Full Moon also has us look more closely at the denser vibrations or shadow components of the energies involved. With Cancer, this is our ability to receive and feel safe from within, but what protected us in the past may no longer work — our needs may have changed over time.

Ask yourself: When do I have the tendency to hold on to the past? Where am I holding on simply because it is familiar? When do I resist change? What happens when I don’t allow myself to feel my feelings? When do I react to life vs. respond?

This brings me to mention a webinar I have available for purchase on my website right now: It’s called React vs. RespondWhere in the chart can we learn about our emotional maturity? If you haven’t seen it yet, definitely take a look at it… click here for more info!

Also, this 60min. webinar is yours for FREE between now and Jan. 31st, if you upgrade your Membership to Star-level during this time (so before Jan. 31st): again, click here for more info!

With Capricorn, we need to take a look at those parts of ourselves that are domineering, rigid, unforgiving, self-servingly ambitious, status-seeking, and hierarchical. As best as you can, be really honest with yourself, and ask: How important is…


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Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 15-25 degrees of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, or Libra? If so, you are more affected by this month’s Full Moon. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).

Members Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Cancer

watch video below


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ALREADY A MEMBER? Make sure you are logged into your Members account and watch the video below! 😉 Sonja


To book a reading, click here — all readings are done via skype, FaceTime, or zoom (phone available in the US only).

Solar Eclipse in Capricorn — article

On Dec. 26th at 12:13am EST, the Moon aligns with the Sun in 4 degrees of Capricorn, launching both a new Moon and a new Eclipse cycle. Solar Eclipses are extra-powerful New Moons, and they take place approximately every 6 months.  Feel free to also watch my video on the subject

Eclipse season is started on Dec. 16th, 2019 and lasts until Jan. 24th, 2020: Eclipses usually come in pairs — Solar and Lunar Eclipse — so Eclipse season starts 10 days before the first Eclipse, continues through the time of the second Eclipse (exact on Jan. 10th) and ends with the Lunar Eclipse cycle, at the time of the New Moon in Aquarius on Jan. 24th.

Between Dec. 16th and Jan. 24th, allow for the new templates to download; stay centered and do your best to ground from within — try using conscious breathing and conscious flexibility — and best of all, see if you can move to the “observer position” when it comes to the emotional and mental body… And remember: this won’t last forever — on Jan. 24th, the downloads are complete 😉

Eclipses are a time for clarifying and affirming our highest path. We are bound to experience a release of some sort — and a recalibration — “old” codes will get deleted and new ones downloaded — especially in connection with the laws of matter, earthly ambitions, contributions to society, and living in pure accordance with our conscience, from a place of maturity and inner guidance.

The Sun and Moon are connected to one of the Moon Nodes during an Eclipse, emphasizing the evolutionary upgrades that are available to us during such times.

Eclipses switch between South Node and North Node Eclipses. The last Eclipse in July was a North Node Eclipse in Cancer. What have you discovered about Self-care since July? How have you been doing at taking care of your emotional well-being? What emotional “needs” are calling out to be met? What is coming to completion? Or moving to the next level?

This Eclipse is connected to the South Node — and South Node Eclipses can help us release energies or attachments that no longer serve our Soul’s evolution. We get to redefine how we are moving with this particular energy in our lives.

We started 2019 with a South Node Eclipse in 15.5 degrees of Capricorn (on Jan. 5th), and we are ending the year with another one in 4º of Capricorn; this indicates that we are continuing to release or redefine certain outdated structures in our lives, or take a more serious look at the commitments we are ready to make, some of which would definitely be long-term in nature.

The last South Node Solar Eclipse in 4º of Capricorn was on Dec. 25th, 2000. We are likely to experience a resonance between now and that time — “resonant”, rather than identical — so think back to the Winter of 2000/2001: Were there any major endings and beginnings? What was important back then? If you were to take those priorities to the next level, where would that next level find you?

If you’re looking for more guidance on those questions, I would suggest taking a look at your Natal Chart — the House placement of the Eclipse will indicate which areas of life are most ready to release outdated structures and go to a new level of consciousness.

If that idea appeals, check out my 30-minute class, “How to Read My Birth Chart” — you might also want to purchase the latest Forecasting Forum, where we took a Look at the Year Ahead, as well as the upcoming Eclipses. Before you invest in the 100min. webinar about 2020, click here to watch a 15-min. Teaser

Solar Eclipses are a good time to…


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Do you have your Ascendant or any personal planets in 0-9 degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, or Libra? If so, you are more affected by this powerful New Moon/Solar Eclipse; the same is true for those of us with our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo, the Moon rules Cancer). Again, feel free to also watch my video on the subject 🙂

I also want to mention my Biggest Holiday Sale ever! Take advantage of the 50% discount to all of my Soul-based Astrology courses online: Only lasts until Dec. 30th!

A quick word about setting Intentions — you may recall that this process is a little different for a Solar Eclipse, compared to the regular monthly New Moon process — after all, we are setting those intentions for the whole 6-month Eclipse cycle, rather than just for the next 28 days.

As for timing, it’s best to set our Intentions 48 hours after the Solar Eclipse becomes exact, and not during a Moon VoC; the best and most potent times to set your S.E. Intentions is therefore any time between 12:21am on Dec. 28th and 12:13am on Dec 30th. (that’s Eastern Time in the US — the New York time zone).

If you live in a timezone other than EST (US East Coast-time), and converting time zones isn’t your thing, I suggest joining me on my Facebook Fan-page and/or following me on Twitter. I will post reminders to let you know when it is time to set your intentions 😉

Whenever you set them, make them powerful — after all, they cover the next six months — and if possible, align them with the Capricorn energy!

And a final word for this final Eclipse of 2019:

May you enter 2020 more grateful to be alive, and filled with faith in the evolutionary process that is ongoing within us all — may you participate consciously in the evolution of existence on this planet, coming not from fear, but from knowledge of your inner strength and personal power — the power of your heart and your humanity! Trust your inner truth and knowing!

Powerful New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Capricorn

Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* Powerful New Moon/Solar Eclipse in 4º of Capricorn (exact on Dec. 26th, 2019 at 12:13am EST)
* Eclipse Season: Dec. 16th, 2019 – Jan. 24th, 2020    1:28
* Eclipses in general    3:54
* South Node Eclipses in Capricorn (in Jan + Dec. 2019 and Dec. 2000)    6:22
* Solar Eclipses    11:08
* Capricorn    11:25
* Highest Vibration of Capricorn    17:11
* The Solar Eclipse aligns with Jupiter in Capricorn, and trines Uranus in Taurus    23:28
* Uranus Taurus is in a Mutual Reception with Venus in Aquarius     27:58
* The Solar Eclipse squares Chiron in Aries     28:56
* Saturn in Capricorn until March 2020, and then again from July – Dec. 2020     33:12
* Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, aligns with Pluto (exact on Jan. 12th at 22.5º of Capricorn)     38:51
* Preview of 2020     42:36 + 47:58
* To Sum it All Up      43:36
* Solar Eclipse Intentions     51:13

Do you have an Ascendant (or personal planets) in 0-9 degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, or Libra?    49:02

*Biggest Holiday Sale ever until Dec. 31st! Take advantage of the *50% discount* to all of my Soul-based Astrology courses online

**For all Members: To access/read my Full Moon article and its Coaching questions, click here (available by Dec. 19th the latest)

***To get the “Saturn in Capricorn” webinar, click here  To watch a 30-min. Excerpt, click here

My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90+ minute webinar — will be on Monday, Dec. 16th at 1pm PST/4pm EST/9pm GMT (London-time).

PLEASE NOTE that we’ll be taking a *Look Ahead for all of 2020*! And at the upcoming *Eclipses*!

If you want to know how 2020 is going to impact you personally, SIGN UP to join the webinar LIVE, or register to receive an mp4/video presentation within 24 hours of the live event.

Other than booking a reading with me, this is the maximum level of support she offers — and it’s only $37 for the 90+ minute webinar.

TO JOIN FOR FREE every month, become a Star or SuperStar Member

TO REGISTER for this month’s Forum only, click here (includes access to the next Members Full Moon/Lunar eclipse video)

**For New Moon Intentions article, click here

Daily Astrological posts & announcements for best time to set Intentions after each New Moon or Solar Eclipse becomes exact:

***Click here to watch my 30-minute class, “How to Read My Birth Chart”

To book a reading, click here — all readings are done via skype, FaceTime, zoom or phone.

Jupiter in Capricorn until Dec. 2020! – article

On Dec. 2nd, 2019 at 1:20pm ESTJupiter moves from adventurous, enthusiastic Sagittarius into practical, accomplishment-oriented Capricorn, where it will journey until Dec. 19th, 2020.

Jupiter represents our desire to seek insight through knowledge; some of this planet’s keywords are gratitude, hope, honor, morality, and the law — it is also the planet of possibility, optimism, and growth (including mental and spiritual growth), and is associated with a sense of humor, goodwill, and mercy.

The lower expressions of Jupiter include “Oh, the heck with it”, “I deserve this and more”, “the rules do not apply to me” — generally speaking, too much of a good thing, blind optimism, excess, stretching the truth, overindulgence, and so forth.

In the natal chart, the position of Jupiter reveals how we express generosity and tolerance, it also shows how we go about trusting others and improving our lives. Where do you look for wisdom and understanding? Where do you need movement and spaciousness? Where do you feel optimistic and have faith that things will turn out ok?

Jupiter represents the principle of expansion; it’s been in Sagittarius over the last year (2019), where it sought the bigger picture, new perspectives, expansion, and higher learning of some kind — imagine a powerful lens, searching, magnifying.

Sagittarius values both freedom of movement and the truth, so we’ve been getting to see what we believe to be true about ourselves, life, and others in 2019 (and what stories we’ve been telling ourselves, too) — and we also wanted to go full steam ahead, no matter what the direction.

With Jupiter in Capricorn, that magnifying lens now swings over to long-term goals and worldly achievements; the opportunity now is to ground the enthusiastic energies of Jupiter and commit to a path that we have been visualizing or toying with over the last year (2019).

Jupiter in Capricorn also promotes a greater understanding of our potential for overcoming adversity in the real world; it also helps us develop our ability (or shows us our inability) to have faith in our higher Selves, our divinity, here on earth.

For the next 12.5 months, we definitely attract the most good fortune when we are…


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Jupiter will connect with the South Node in 8º of Capricorn in January 2020, around the same time that Saturn aligns with Pluto in 22º of CapricornJupiter then aligns with Pluto in 24º of Capricorn first in March/April, then in June/July, and then again in November 2020Jupiter will also be within 5 degrees of Saturn towards the end of the year: Nov/Dec 2020. As Jupiter aligns with Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn during the course of its transit, we may become quite power-hungry or status-conscious.

We will talk in more detail about those alignments in our webinar: “A Look Ahead – Preview of 2020”  Click here to join us live on Dec. 16th; or click here after Dec. 16th, 2019 to purchase an mp4-video recording of this webinar.

Where does Jupiter-in-Capricorn fall in your own birth chart? What aspects does it make during the year-long transit? How does a wise response to one house support a more fruitful response to the next one? What outward opportunities arise as Jupiter interacts with any of your personal planets? Where will you experience a major expansion until Dec. 2020? Where are you ready to make a solid commitment?

If you’d like more insight into those questions, we also covered the Jupiter movement into Capricorn in more detail in our last Forecasting Forum — if you want to know how this planetary movement is impacting you personally, feel free to purchase the video-presentation of the last webinar — we applied the Jupiter movement to our own birth charts! Click here to purchase the “Jupiter in Capricorn until Dec. 2020“- webinar

Jupiter in Capricorn — 17 min. Excerpt

Join me as I share a 17min. Excerpt from our latest Forecasting Forum about:
• Jupiter changing signs from Sagittarius to Capricorn on Dec. 2nd, 2019 at 1:20pm EST
• Jupiter in Capricorn until Dec. 19th, 2020

What are you going to explore over the next year in regards to your long-term goals?
What does practical realism look like?
What might happen if you became self-responsible and took a positive attitude towards your career goals?
How could I become more resourceful when approaching life’s challenges?

**To purchase the whole 105 min. webinar, click here

***Star and SuperStar Members: check your email for the link to the mp4-video recording and enjoy watching it! I sent it out on Nov. 13th late evening 😉

My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90-minute webinar — will be on Monday, Dec. 16th at 1pm PST/4pm EST/9pm GMT (London-time). PLEASE NOTE that we will take a look ahead: Preview of 2020!

If you want to know how 2020 is going to impact you personally, SIGN UP to join the webinar LIVE, or register to receive an mp4/video presentation within 24 hours of the live event.

Other than booking a reading with me, this is the maximum level of support she offers — and it’s only $37 for the 90+ minute webinar.

TO JOIN FOR FREE every month, become a Star or SuperStar Member
TO REGISTER for the upcoming Forecasting Forum only, click here (this also includes access to the next Members Full Moon video)

Saturn & Pluto Station phases – 19 min. excerpt

Join me as I share an 19 min. excerpt from my latest Forecasting Forum:
* Saturn’s Station phase in almost 14º of Capricorn (Sept.10th until Sept. 26th, 2019)
* Pluto’s Station phase in 20.5º of Capricorn (Sept.13th until Oct. 22nd, 2019)
* Pluto comes to halt and goes direct (ends its yearly Retrograde phase) on Oct. 3rd, 2019

To purchase the whole 85 min. webinar, click here
Until Oct. 3rd, 2019: get a 20% discount, with the discount code: WEBINAR4LESS (add discount code at check out)

Already a Star or SuperStar Member, look for the mp4 email in your inbox (promotional folders or junk mail) — I sent it out late on Sept. 19th.

My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90-minute webinar — will be on Thursday, Oct. 17th at 12pm PDT/3pm EDT/8pm BST (London-time). PLEASE NOTE that we will look directly at our own birth charts to see how Mercury’s third Retrograde phase of the year, in Scorpio, will impact each of us.

If you want to know how this planetary movement is going to impact you personally, SIGN UP to join the webinar LIVE, or register to receive an mp4/video presentation within 24 hours of the live event.

Other than booking a reading with me, this is the maximum level of support she offers — and it’s only $37 for the 90+ minute webinar.

TO JOIN FOR FREE every month, become a Star or SuperStar Member

TO REGISTER for this month’s Forum only, click here  (this also includes access to the next Members Full Moon video)

To book a reading, click here — all readings are done via skype, FaceTime, zoom or phone.

The current Eclipses – 17min excerpt

Join Sonja as she shares a 17min. excerpt from her latest Forecasting Forum about::
* Solar Eclipse in Cancer
* Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn

To watch the whole 90+min. webinar, click here and get the Eclipse webinar.

If you are currently a Star or SuperStar Member, check your email for the link of the mp4-video presentation (it was sent out on July 11th in the evening)

My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90-minute webinar — will be on Thursday, Aug. 15th at 4pm EDT/1pm PDT/9pm BST (London-time). Please note that we’ll talk about the Uranus Station/Retrograde phase and the Jupiter Station-Direct phase.

If you want to know how these planetary movements are going to impact you personally, SIGN UP to join the webinar LIVE, or register to receive an mp4/video presentation within 24 hours of the live event.

Other than booking a reading with Sonja, this is the maximum level of support she offers — and it’s only $37 for the 90+ minute webinar.

TO JOIN FOR FREE every month, become a Star or SuperStar Member
TO REGISTER for this month’s Forum only, click here  (this also includes access to the Members Full Moon video)

To book a reading, click here  –– all readings are done via skype, FaceTime, zoom or phone.

Powerful Full Moon-Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn – article

On July 16th, at 5:38pm EDT: the Moon opposes the Sun in 24 degrees of Capricorn — this is a Lunar Eclipse becoming exact (the entrance of the Moon into Capricorn on Sunday evening (July 14th) starts the energetic build up towards this powerful Full Moon). This Full Moon is actually the second of two Eclipses in July; the first one was the Solar Eclipse in Cancer on July 2nd.

Eclipses are always powerfully connected to the Moon Nodes and thus to our Soul’s Journey. For my Members: If you’d like to learn more about this month’s Full Moon, click here to watch my Lunar Eclipse video.

Lots of planets are involved in this powerful Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse chart — Saturn, Pluto, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, and Neptune — and all play an important role, so buckle up! Of the 11 astrological “planets”, 6 are retrograde at the time of this Eclipse, indicating that we have lots of inner processes going on — and it will be important to honor those processes.

This Full Moon is also the first Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn since the Moon Nodes moved into Cancer/Capricorn in late 2018. This puts an emphasis on balancing those two polarities and integrating them both within ourselves and collectively. With Eclipses this is a longer term process — in this case, a process that will last until Nov. 2020.

Let’s take a look at those polarities: The Moon in practical, accomplishment-oriented Capricorn opposes the Sun in protective, feeling-oriented Cancer

We have a heightened sense that something must be brought into balance and reintegrated; the balance in question is between the experience of our feelings and our emotional needs (symbolized by Cancer), versus our outer obligations or material, practical goals (Capricorn).

It’s important to realize that our long-term goals need our attention — and that they are the very thing that will bring the fulfillment and inner stability we seek. A realistic approach will work best here! Ask yourself: Where might the balance point be between the demands of my inner and outer life?

Cancer and Capricorn are both…


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GET IT ALL! Get the whole Forecast with all the Full Moon questions — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!) 😉


If you missed the Forum… and still would like to learn how the big shifts this month are impacting you personally… feel free to watch the mp4-video presentation about the Solar Eclipse in Cancer and the Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn — in relationship to your own Birth Chart… To purchase this webinar, click here.  Before you invest in the whole 90+ min. webinar, feel free to watch a 17-min excerpt here.

Star and SuperStar Members: check your email for the link to the mp4-video recording and enjoy watching it! I sent it out on July 12th, late morning 😉

Please keep in mind that Eclipse Season lasts until July 31st. Allow for changes, remain flexible and adaptable, and find creative solutions in day-to-day interactions with others. Allow also for new downloads and for the release of “old” codes and conditioning. Simply put: an open mind and heart will serve us best (that’s true in general, but especially true until Eclipse season ends 😉

Another thing to remember: if something is beginning or ending in a way that seems organic… allow it to be. As best as you can, observe your feelings and stay grounded in the “here and now”. Connect to your intuition and inner wisdom; they will help carry you through this period. We are receiving a consciousness upgrade — that’s a good thing!

Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn

watch video below


Not a Member yet? Get your Full Moon videos every month — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still, for the price of a cappuccino!)
ALREADY A MEMBER? Make sure you are logged into your Members account and watch the video below! 😉 Sonja


To book a reading, click here — all readings are done via skype, FaceTime, or zoom (phone available in the US only).

Solar Eclipse in Capricorn

Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* Powerful New Moon/Solar Eclipse in 15.5º of Capricorn (exact on Jan. 5th, 2019 at 8:28pm EST)  10:04
* Last Eclipse in the same sign   1:17
* Eclipse cycle in Capricorn/Cancer   4:18
* South Node Eclipse in Capricorn   6:15
* Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, aligns with the Solar Eclipse and Pluto   24:58
* Saturn and the Solar Eclipse sextile Neptune in Pisces   35:10
* Saturn in Capricorn until March 2020   36:51
* 2019: A Look ahead   37:21
* Saturn conjuncts Mercury in Capricorn  39:11
* Mercury squares Mars in Aries   41:45
* Uranus is exalted, ends its 5-month retrograde phase on Jan. 6th  44:49
* Venus in Scorpio trines Chiron in Pisces  46:00
* To Sum it All Up  48:26
* Eclipses in general and the day of the Eclipse  51:05
* Solar Eclipse Intentions  57:08

What if you simply released outdated, rigid structures in your life?
What if you could be both more productive and more gentle with yourself at the same time?

Do you have an Ascendant (or personal planets) in 10-21 degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, or Libra?

My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90-minute webinar — will be live on Tuesday, Jan. 15th at 11am PST/2pm EST/7pm GMT (London-time). PLEASE NOTE that we talk about the upcoming Eclipses: Solar Eclipse in Capricorn, Lunar Eclipse in Leo

If you want to know how these potent Lunations are going to impact you personally, SIGN UP to join the webinar LIVE, or register to receive an mp4/video presentation within 24 hours of the live event.

Other than booking a reading, this is the maximum level of support I offer — and it’s only $37 for the 90+ minute webinar.

TO JOIN FOR FREE every month, become a Star or SuperStar Member
TO REGISTER for this month’s Forum only, click here

Daily Astrological posts & announcements for best time to set Intentions after each New Moon or Solar Eclipse becomes exact:

To book a reading, click here — all readings are done via skype, FaceTime, zoom or phone.

For our Members: Full Moon in Cancer

watch video below


Not a Member yet? Get your Full Moon videos every month — as well as other awesome and exclusive content — become a site member (still for the price of a cappuccino!)
ALREADY A MEMBER? Make sure you are logged into your members account and watch the video below! 😉 Sonja


Daily Astrological posts:

To book a reading, click here  — All readings are done via skype, FaceTime, zoom or phone.

Moon Nodes in Cancer/Capricorn

On Nov. 6th in the afternoon, the Moon Nodes switched from Leo/Aquarius to Cancer/Capricorn; they will remain in those signs until May 2020! The last time the Moon Nodes were in these particular signs was back in April, 2000 — October, 2001.

The Moon Nodes show us what our Soul’s Journey currently requires on the collective and personal levels — let’s take a closer look at what this means:

The goal of the collective Soul’s journey is to balance and integrate two apparently opposite energies: our inner experience (symbolized by Cancer), and our outer obligations or goals (Capricorn). This will take looking closely at the balance between taking care of ourselves, versus taking care of others — and also at who we are inside, versus what we project to the world, how we portray ourselves.

This is also about developing healthy foundations, emotionally and materially, in private and in public. As best as you can, avoid “should-ing” on yourself: Take the pressure off, perhaps by saying “I’m doing the best I can and that’s all I can ever do”)  😉

To get a more personal interpretation, we also need to take a look at the House placement of that Cancer/Capricorn polarity in our own birth charts, as well as the signs involved… we cover the houses in the webinar (I will include a link at the end of this article).

In Cancer, the North Node invites us to let ourselves be…


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Moon Nodes are also connected to the Eclipse cycles; each of these cycles prompts us to evolve and provides an opportunity to progress to the next level of our Soul’s Journey, collectively and individually. The Solar Eclipse in 20.5º of Cancer on July 12th, 2018 started a new Eclipse cycle connected to the Cancer/Capricorn polarity.

Think back to that time and see what you discovered about yourself in relationship to Self-care. How was it a new beginning (or perhaps a preview of what’s to come) in connection with family, home (this could be a physical or emotional “home”) — was there a shift around feeling “at home” or “safe”, both internally and in the world?

We also discussed this in more detail during our last Forecasting Forum, in connection with our own birth charts; if you’d like to know more about how the Moon Nodes’ movements impact you personally, click here to get the video of the Forum.

20 min. excerpt: Jupiter in Sagittarius & the Moon Nodes in Cancer/Capricorn

Join me as I share a 20 min. excerpt from my most recent Forecasting Forum:
* Jupiter in Sagittarius Nov. 8th until Dec. 2019
*  the Moon Nodes in Cancer/Capricorn Nov. 6th until May 2020

Where will you experience a major expansion until Dec. 2019?
Where are you ready to go beyond what you currently belief is possible?
Where are you feeling a shift with your Soul’s Journey?

Do you have an Ascendant (or personal planets) in Sagittarius, Cancer or Capricorn?

To get the whole 110-min. webinar, and find out how these upcoming big shifts are going to impact you personally, click here

TO JOIN FOR FREE every month, become a Star or SuperStar Member
TO REGISTER for my next Forum, click here

Daily Astrological posts:

To book a reading, click here.  All readings are done via skype, FaceTime, zoom or phone.

Are You Ready for What's Coming?

Subscribe to Sonja's Forecasts to receive her timely reporting of the most significant astrological events occurring right now.

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Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

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Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

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Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

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Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

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Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

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Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

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Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

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Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085

Deprecated: Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0! Use WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_data() or WP_Scripts::get_inline_script_tag() instead. in /home/astrol25/ on line 6085