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“Your Soul’s Journey is written in the Stars…”
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Sonja’s Latest Posts…
March 7th – 13th
How Does Our Thinking Keep Us Separate? This week’s headline items: it’s time to start to take action on your New Moon intentions from Monday early morning on; Mercury squares Nov. 19th's Lunar Eclipse degree very early on Tuesday; Mercury changes signs from...
February 28th – March 6th
Suppressed Desires Surface This week’s headline items: Venus exits its post-Shadow phase on Tuesday late evening; the New Moon in Pisces becomes exact on Wednesday early afternoon; the Sun squares the Solar Eclipse degree (from Dec. 4th, 2021) on Wednesday...
New Moon in Pisces
https://youtu.be/JItEx8lfxXM Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events: * New Moon in almost 12º of Pisces (exact on March 2nd, 2022 at 12:35pm EST) * Overview of the New Moon chart 00:46 * Stellium in Pisces: Sun, Moon, Jupiter & Neptune...
February 21st – 27th
Inspired Action This week’s headline items: Jupiter squares the Dec. 4th, 2021 Solar Eclipse degree on Tuesday afternoon; the last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius becomes exact early on Wednesday evening; Mercury exits its post-Shadow phase on Wednesday night/very...
Additional Support, Venus-Mars alignments in Feb.- March 2022
https://youtu.be/vd2ze-GvYVs Join me as I share about: *The first of two Venus/Mars alignments become exact on Feb. 16th (strong from Feb. 8th until March 21st -- an unusually long time, due to Venus' Station + Retrograde phases in Jan./Feb.) *This first conjunction...
February 14th – 20th
Allowing the Masculine & Feminine to Work Together This week’s headline items: Mercury changes signs from Capricorn to Aquarius on Monday early evening; the Sun squares the Moon Nodes on Tuesday late afternoon, and the Sun squares the Nov. 19th, 2021 Lunar...