Turning Points – Squares to the Eclipses


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Watch this 101 minute webinar to see how the current & upcoming Turning Points are impacting you personally, and how this relates to your own Birth Chart.

  • How can you best use the Squares that will occur between now and March 8th?
  • Eclipses bring big evolutionary shifts, and when a transiting planet squares an Eclipse degree, we are at a turning point — collectively and individually speaking. What is your turning point? What needs to shift for you?
  • How will these shifts impact people with planets or points/angles in 25-29º of Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo, or 10-14º of Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, or Pisces?

“Love all that you share with us each day, week, month and year!!!! You are such an inspiration and true Star to be connected with! Thank You so much!!! With Love & Gratitude”– Brenna M.

Please note that this webinar is only available until March 16th!

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