A client of mine asked me about the difference between daily Astrology and how it impacts our own birth chart. I thought I would share my response…

“The daily Astrology and aspects I talk about in my Weekly Forecasts and my daily posts on facebook/twitter, show how the energies are at play with each other in each now moment. For example: how Jupiter interacts with Chiron at this time. Jupiter being in Virgo, opposes Chiron in Pisces at this time.
Apart from that, there is also how the energies are interacting with each one of us — with each of our birth charts. How does Jupiter connect with your natal chart? Jupiter being in Virgo, how does it connect with your natal planets?
Every planetary energy interacts with something in our own charts. Either a natal planet, a personal point (Ascendant, Career point, etc) or it simply journeys through a House in our chart (influencing an area of our lives). These interactions help us learn something, explore something new, or experience something about ourselves or the world around us that supports our evolutionary process.
Every planetary energy that interacts with another planetary energy in this now moment shows us what the now energies are all about and how to best align ourselves with those. It’s like knowing what the weather is doing…
Of course you are probably only interested in what the weather does where you live. Who cares if it snows in Chicago if you live in England, right?
Watch my video on: “How to Read Your Birth chart, so you can apply my weekly forecast and bi-monthly videos to your own birth chart and get the maximum benefit from my astrological “weather forecasts” 😉
I hope this answered your question. If not, feel free to join me for the next Monthly Forecasting Forum, and ask me whatever you want to know about Astrology at that point ;-)”
Love and blessings, 

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