A Heart-Centered & Sustainable Outcome


This week’s headline items: Venus will remain stationed all week, while Mercury re-starts its own station again on Monday and ends it on Sunday (it goes direct at that point, ending its 3-week Retrograde, and begins its post-Shadow phase late on Thursday evening). The New Moon in Aquarius becomes exact on Monday night/Tuesday very early morning; on Saturday, it is time to start acting on our New Moon intentions.

There will be four Moon VoC phases this week: Monday early morning until 4:43am EST; Tuesday morning (for 24 hours); Friday very early morning (for a little over 5 hours); and Sunday early afternoon (for 5.5 hours).

Now, this week’s Forecast…

Monday, January 31st:

Monday, the Moon remains in ambitious, goal-oriented Capricorn and VoC until 4:43am EST. At that time, the Moon moves into freedom-loving, forward-thinking Aquarius, where it will journey until Wednesday morning. The energy of the Aquarian Moon relates to our instinct for improvement. Reactions are more intellectual than emotional and interactions more impersonal than personal. We are likely to have an increased fascination with the new and unusual.

Social gatherings, anything connected with group ideals and goals for the future, brainstorming, new ideas and methods, progress: all these are promoted during the time the Moon moves through Aquarius. Again: we have our eyes on the future — or on outer space 🙂 Personal freedom becomes paramount.

Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius — and this planet is currently moving through Taurus, making these next two days a great time to take a look at our physical connection both to our own body and our finances — and to what is most important to us on this planet.

It’s also a great time to innovate and make changes in our lives around any physical matters that no longer serve us, or that keep us stuck in the past; we need to elevate our thinking if we want our bodies and the planet to vibrate at a higher frequency.

Ask yourself: Do I need to give my body something different to raise it to a higher vibration? When I tune in to myself, what insights does my body provide?

Where in my life have I become too rigid in connection with my body, my physical resources, or my talents? Where have I become too comfortable with those things? What is my connection to the Earth? To Nature? Do I need more physical space? More physical movement?

Also on Monday, Mercury starts to slow down again (“stationing”). It’s getting ready to come to a halt, ending its 3-week Retrograde phase, on Thursday late evening (more on that later this week…).

For the next 6 days (until Feb. 6th), we need to be patient with ourselves and others — especially if there is a connection with communication or transportation and their associated technologies. As best as you can, give yourself and others a lot of space!

This is not the best time to start anything brand-new, especially if it contains new information that needs to be processed.

We might experience delays or misunderstandings, and things tend to feel “off” or stagnant. It might be a good idea to give yourself some extra time to get ready for travel somewhere — especially if you intend to use public transportation or drive (for more details on Mercury Shadow Phases and Retrogrades, click here)


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“Feeling so blessed to be here at this Forum, listening in, and learning lots” — Deb E.


“Thank you Sonja, so enlightening for me. You’re a wonderful guide for us all.” — Karen W.

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Have a fantastic week! Stay whole-hearted and healthy, and if you need support in any way, please feel free to reach out!
Many blessings,

PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and feel free to go to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecasts 😉


Blog photo by Johannes Plenio from Pexels




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