Forecast for March 5th – 11th, 2018
The theme of last week for me was “go with the flow and trust that the flow knows where to go” 😉 If that doesn’t sound like a true Pisces energy pool, then I don’t know what does 🙂
Before we get to this week’s forecast, I have two quick announcements:
Feel free to check out my 30-minute excerpt from my webinar about the Jupiter and Mercury Station and Retrograde phases in March
And please note: this is the last week that my full Weekly Forecasts and my Full Moon videos are available for a general audience — from March 11th on, they are only available via my new online community. For a limited time only, you can continue receiving all of the wonderful forecasts uninterrupted, for the price of a Cappuccino! So, join now!
Some of you may have read that last paragraph and asked “WHY???” For more info, click here
And as a reminder to the rest of you: Not only are memberships deeply discounted right now, your price will be locked in for life! So, definitely join now 🙂
This week’s headline items: Mercury changes signs from Pisces to Aries on Monday night/Tuesday very early morning, and Venus does the same on Tuesday evening. On Thursday, Mercury enters its shadow phase and Jupiter comes to a complete halt as it starts its 4-month retrograde phase. Lastly, on Friday morning, the last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius becomes exact.
There will also be three Moon VoC phases this week: Monday very early morning (for a little over 7.5 hours), Wednesday very early morning (for a little over 13 hours), and Friday late evening (for almost 7.5 hours).
Monday (March 5th): The Moon remains in harmony-loving, balance-seeking Libra until 8:23am EST.
Monday very early morning at 1:19am EST, we enter a Moon void of course (VoC) that lasts for a little over 7.5 hours, until 8:23am EST. If you are awake during this intuitive time, use it to examine your one-on-one relationships. Ask yourself: How can I balance my need for connection with my desire for freedom?
As always with a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don’t start anything brand-new, stick to routine things, or simply go with the flow. You may also want to plan Monday morning ahead of time 🙂
Monday at 8:23am EST, the Moon moves into passionate, all-or-nothing Scorpio, where it will journey until Wednesday early evening. We feel things deeply and have “X-Ray Vision” and “Bullshit-Smelling Abilities” 😉
Emotional authenticity is extremely important to us at this time; anything less than 100% emotional honesty could be perceived as flat-out dishonest. Once we feel safe trusting someone, we want to merge with them, preferably forever… as long as our trust is never betrayed.
The Moon in Scorpio urges us to uncover our own power. This occurs by a process of subtraction — it urges us to let go of whatever disempowers us. This makes it an excellent time to look at “old” fears, limiting habits or emotional attachments, especially those stemming from past traumas.
Moon in Scorpio tends to run right over ambiguity — it’s “in or out”, “with us or against us”, “love me or leave me”. It can thus be stormy — a cold winter storm, or a torrid tropical storm of passion, depending on how we “work” the energies 🙂
Manipulation and paranoia are the lower vibrations of this aspect, so do your best to be straightforward — act in good faith and assume it in others. Best of all, be truly present to the fluctuations of your feelings — no matter if they’re “polite” or “timely”. Feelings aren’t facts, but they are information — and heeding them will help you embrace all of who you are.
Know thyself — and love thyself — you shall be set free. Remember: Love connects us to the Power within; Fear causes “Force” to show up — and that’s ultimately what disempowers us and others.
Tuesday (March 6th): the Moon remains in passionate, all-or-nothing Scorpio all day (see Monday morning for details).
Tuesday at 2:34am EST, Mercury changes signs from dreamy, creative Pisces to enthusiastic, direct Aries. It will journey through this courageous sign, for an unusually long time, until May 13th (due to its 3-week retrograde phase that starts on March 22nd). During this time, our thinking speeds up, and we are eager for new endeavors.
Given that we want to achieve our goals as quickly as possible, we may come off impulsive and impatient, and must therefore speak (and get answers) faster. Nothing stands in our way now: we are ready, we are brave, we want what we want and we want it now 😉
As you can perhaps imagine, we need to watch out for blurting things out prematurely or inappropriately; as best you can, choose your words carefully and pause before responding 😉
Remember, everyone else is feeling the Aries energy quite strongly too, so do your best to not take it personally if someone ignores what you want, or says something insensitive. Keep the focus on yourself instead — and take responsibility for how you are communicating or expressing yourself.
Do you have your Ascendant or Sun-sign in Aries? If so, you will feel especially chatty for the next 9 weeks. Your mental energy will be quite active and you feel the need to connect to others — whether it be in person, via email, over the phone or via social media. New ideas and new connections are very likely.
Do you have your Ascendent or Sun-sign in Gemini or Virgo? If so, you will feel a tremendous energy burst for the next 9 weeks: really enthusiastic and physically strong.
Tuesday at 6:45pm EST, Venus changes signs from intuitive, creative, dreamy Pisces to fast-paced, enthusiastic, active Aries, where it will journey until March 31st. Until then, we are going to feel passionate about connecting to others. We are ready to make a new start: if you are single, this could be a great chance to start something new (all things being equal 😉
With Venus in Aries, spontaneity and independence are important to us. You’re not the only one who likes a challenge, so don’t make it too easy for others to win you over 😉
If you are already in a committed relationship, you get a wonderful chance to bring freshness and excitement to your bedroom and “other parts of the house” 😉 We also have more energy than usual; we are more likely to want to get out of the house, and be active with others.
All this is especially true if you are a Taurus, Libra or Aries Sun-sign or Rising-sign. As an Aries, beauty and love will enter your life during this time, you will feel more attractive and you will attract things to you. As a Taurus or Libra, you will feel more energized, passionate and more direct than usual.
Wednesday (March 7th): the Moon remains in passionate, all-or-nothing Scorpio until 5:03pm EST (see Monday morning for details).
Wednesday at 3:55am EST, we enter a Moon void of course (VoC) that lasts for a little over 13 hours, until 5:03pm EST. Use this intuitive time to connect with others on a deep emotional level, and explore greater truths about your ability to make those authentic connections.
As always with a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don’t start anything brand-new, stick to routine things, or simply go with the flow. You may also want to plan Wednesday morning and afternoon ahead of time 🙂
Wednesday at 5:03pm EST, the Moon moves into optimistic, adventurous, truth-seeking Sagittarius, where it will journey until Saturday early morning. We’re strongly motivated to explore and learn. We’re not likely to be big fans of routine — diversity and new adventures work best at this time — we’re also physically restless and need to burn that off with activity and physical exercise.
We tend to feel more open, optimistic and inspired — but we also have a high degree of independence — and taking these two influences together, this means we’d rather inspire others to do things our way, as opposed to issuing or obeying orders. Inspiring others could come easier than normal, as we can see the bigger picture, leaving us confident that others will agree with us, once they see what we see.
As best as you can, speak your truth without assuming that everyone is on the same page as you. Improvisation works well for us at this time, as we are spontaneous and love living on the edge — just watch out you aren’t overdoing or overstating things. This Moon placement also start the build up towards the last Quarter Moon (exact on Friday morning).
Thursday (March 8th): the Moon remains in optimistic, adventurous, truth-seeking Sagittarius all day (see Wednesday late afternoon for details).
Thursday around 11pm EST, Mercury enters a 3-week shadow phase, as it reaches 4 degrees and 47 minutes of Aries. This precedes the retrograde phase, which will begin on March 22nd in almost 17 degrees of Aries (more on that in 3 weeks).
So what is the “shadow phase”? To explain this, I’ll quickly cover what happens when a planet “stations” and then goes “retrograde”.
Relative to us on Earth, a planet sometimes looks like it is slowing down (“stationing”), then stopping. After being still for a while, it actually appears to go “backward” through the sky (this is the “retrograde” phase). It’s a little like catching up to a car on the highway, driving exactly alongside it for a moment, then passing it and pulling ahead.
At first, retrograde movement is slow, but the planet gradually reaches its normal pace through the sky — except it’s going backward. The process then reverses itself: the backward pace slows, the planet crawls to a “halt”, then it starts to move forward again (i.e. it goes direct). In our car analogy, it’s like the car you just passed gradually speeds up and passes you again.
There are also two “shadow” phases — during these, the planet travels over a part of the sky it will later “revisit”. The first “shadow” comes before the planet moves backward; the second comes when the planet starts to catch back up (after going direct).
It’s like you went hiking and left something behind at camp. If you went back to get it, you’d have some catching up to do, and would see the same scenery twice or more.
Mercury’s shadow phases usually last 2-3 weeks before and after the Retrograde phase.
If you want to buy, sell or ship big-ticket items — especially connected to transportation (cars, airline tickets, etc.) or communication devices (phone, computer, iPad, etc.) — be aware of the shadow periods as well as the retrograde phases. If possible, get these things done before Mercury enters it’s shadow or wait until after the shadow phases are over — that would be May 3rd in this case 😉
Of course, if there is something that must get done during these phases, don’t put your whole life on hold, just because Mercury is retrograde or in it’s shadow. Sometimes things line up exactly at the right time; as best as you can, trust that it’s all “perfect” 😉
Also on Thursday late evening, at 11:45pm EST, Jupiter comes to a halt at 23 degrees of Scorpio, starting its yearly 4-month retrograde phase. The retrograde phases are inner processes — they help us connect to a particular energy internally, and thus express it externally (once Jupiter goes direct again). Jupiter retrograde brings a chance to tap inner wisdom, optimism and sense of possibility, and an inner understanding of how the world works. This retrograde phase lasts until July 10th.
During this time, we get to choose what we truly believe — which beliefs serve us and which don’t — and we can more easily let go of limiting beliefs and experience new truths. While retrograde in Scorpio — here are some coaching questions:
What do I believe about my intimate partnerships? About empowerment? Disempowerment? Deep authentic connections? Where am I making assumptions that do not serve me? What might be holding me back?
The connection to inner wisdom is heightened. Ask yourself: What do I “just know”? If the answer is “I don’t know”, ask yourself “What if I did know? What mighty it be in that case?”
Feel free to check out my 30-minute excerpt from my webinar about the Jupiter and Mercury Station and Retrograde phases in March:
And if you want to know how that will impact you personally, feel free to buy the whole 90+ min. webinar on the subject — click here — we talked about what to expect for the next 4 weeks, and how it all applies to our own birth charts 😉
Do you have your Ascendent, Career Point (or any personal planets) in 12-25 degrees of Scorpio? If so, you may be more affected by this retrograde phase. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendent or Sun-sign in Sagittarius (Jupiter rules Sagittarius, so Sagittarius will always be affected more strongly by Jupiter’s movements and aspects).
Friday (March 9th): the Moon remains in optimistic, adventurous, truth-seeking Sagittarius all day (see Wednesday late afternoon for details).
Friday at 6:20am EST, the last Quarter Moon in almost 19 degrees of Sagittarius will be exact. The Moon in adventurous, truth-seeking Sagittarius makes a challenging aspect to the Sun in sensitive, dreamy, compassionate Pisces. This may bring up some challenges. However, it also energizes us to look at what needs to be completed — and what needs to be changed.
This Moon phase brings us closer to March 17th’s New Moon in Pisces. We are thus best served by reviewing projects begun since the last New Moon in mid February (which was also a Solar Eclipse).
What — if anything — needs adjustments? What did you discover since Feb. 15th? What did it mean for you? As best as you can, find creative solutions for anything that comes up (whether internally, or with others).
Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 17-21 degrees of Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces, or Virgo? If so, you are more affected by this month’s last Quarter Moon. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer, since the Sun rules Leo and the Moon rules Cancer.
Friday at 9:27pm EST, we enter a Moon void of course (VoC) that lasts for almost 7.5 hours, until at 4:52am EST (Saturday early morning). Use this intuitive time to connect with like-minded people and to learn something new about your unique self — explore, take a risk.
As always with a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don’t start anything brand-new, stick to routine things, or simply go with the flow. You may also want to plan Friday night and Saturday early morning ahead of time 🙂
Saturday (March 10th): the Moon remains in optimistic, adventurous, truth-seeking Sagittarius and VoC until 4:52am EST (see Wednesday late afternoon and Friday late evening for details).
Saturday at 4:52am EST, the Moon moves into practical, accomplishment-oriented Capricorn, where it will journey until Monday evening (March 12th). We tend to be more realistic, serious, cautious; this can support practical endeavors and financial matters.
Our ambition surges and brings with it a need for structure and planning; when you add in the pragmatism this aspect supports, you can see how this could be a very productive time for business and long-term goals. Our reputation becomes very important to us.
As best as you can during this aspect, avoid “should-ing” on yourself. Take the pressure off, perhaps by saying “I am doing the best I can and that’s all I can ever do” 😉
Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn; it is currently transiting through its own sign, making this a great time to take look at your long-term aspirations and anything that you would like to master over the next three years. It’s also a great time to take a more serious look at our strategies for self-mastery.
For starters: Do you truly see “what’s so” in your life (as opposed to what you merely wish it to be, or what you would like it to be, or where you see yourself going, etc)? What is actually so right now? Once you have a handle on where “A” is, it’s easier to “go from A to B” — whether “B” is self-mastery or standing on the mountaintop.
Starting tomorrow (Sunday, March 11th), my full Weekly Forecast and Full Moon videos are only going to be available to my new online community. For a limited time only, you can continue receiving all of the wonderful forecasts uninterrupted, for the price of a Cappuccino! So, join now!
Some of you may have read that last paragraph and asked “WHY???” For more info, click here
And as a reminder to the rest of you: Not only are memberships deeply discounted right now, your price will be locked in for life! So, definitely join now! 🙂
Sunday (March 11th): the Moon remains in practical, accomplishment-oriented Capricorn all day (see Saturday early morning for details). At 2am, Daylight Saving Time begins in the US, turning the clocks forward an hour — and so we are moving from EST (Eastern Standard Time) to EDT (Eastern Daylight Saving Time) until November.
Sunday very early morning, a challenging Mercury/Saturn aspect becomes exact at 3:00am EDT. We started to feel this aspect build from Thursday night on; it will remain strong until next week Tuesday (March 13th). This aspect asks us to stretch a little, to grow and mature. Watch out for misunderstandings or rigid thinking, not only when it comes to interacting with others, but also when it comes to your own inner dialog.
On the one hand, Mercury in Aries wants us to communicate in a fast, direct, and uncompromising manner… On the other hand, Saturn in Capricorn reminds us that before we can think about what we want to create or bring forth, we need to look at the reality of how long things take to manifest — we must slow down, get present to the quality we want to produce.
Ask yourself: If this is a long-term goal, am I truly building for the long-term? What is the worst that could happen if I rushed, or skipped over some steps?
As best as you can, find creative ways to connect to your passions, while remaining committed to exploring them one step at a time. What is my life calling me to explore? Could I go for it (one step at a time)?
Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 5-11 degrees of Aries, Capricorn, Libra or Cancer? If so, you will be more affected by this aspect. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Gemini, Virgo or Capricorn (Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and Virgo; Saturn rules Capricorn).
Sunday morning, a harmonious Mars/Uranus aspect becomes exact at 7:23am EDT. We started to feel this aspect build from Monday on; it will remain strong until next week Friday (March 16th). This aspect signals a time when our energy level is much higher than usual — among other effects, we may find we can work for long hours without fatigue, or feel “driven”, especially in new and unusual directions.
It could be that we receive backing from unusual sources. In general, our efforts are successful and we scale new heights of originality. As best as you can, stay open to new and unexpected things. Highly recommended: Group activities, group causes and connecting to like-minded people from all over the world.
Do you have your Ascendant (or one or more personal planets) in the following: 23-29 degrees of Sagittarius, Aries, Leo, or 0 degrees of Capricorn, Taurus, or Virgo? If so, you will be most blessed by this aspect. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Aries or Aquarius (Mars is the ruler Aries; Uranus rules Aquarius)
Also on Sunday morning, an opportune Sun/Pluto aspect becomes exact at 7:56am EDT. We started to feel this aspect build from Thursday night on; it will remain strong until Monday night. This is an opportunity to bring a sense of compassion and creativity to whatever needs restructuring or rebuilding in our lives.
It’s also an opportunity to notice how obsessed we’ve become about manifesting something real/authentic and soften our approach a little. Remember: an opportunity is not automatically given to us; we have to make something of it.
Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 19-23 degrees of Pisces, Capricorn, Scorpio or Taurus? If so, you will be more aware of this opportunity. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Scorpio (the Sun rules Leo; Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio)
A heads up for next Monday (March 12th): the Moon remains in practical, accomplishment-oriented Capricorn until 6:44pm EDT (See Saturday very early morning for details). At 11:36am EDT, we enter a Moon void of course (VoC) that lasts for a little over 7 hours, until 6:44pm EDT. At that time, the Moon moves into Aquarius, where it will journey until Thursday morning. More about all the details in next week’s forecast 😉
One Last Announcement:
Join me for my next FORECASTING FORUM, Monday, April 2nd, 2018 at 10am PDT/ 1pm EDT/6pm BST (London-time). Please note that we will be talking about the upcoming Station and Retrograde phases in April: Saturn stations and goes retrograde in 9º of Capricorn, Pluto stations and goes retrograde in 21º of Capricorn… and how does Mars fit into all of that?
If you want to know how to align yourself with these retrograde phases, join me live or sign up for the mp4-video presentation. To join for FREE, become a Star or SuperStar Member on my site! To register at the regular fee, click here.
Here is a testimonial from one of our participants right after joining our most recent Forum:
“Thank you Sonja! I really appreciated the forum. You always make things so accessible and easy to connect to my own life. Tuning in with you is always so beneficial to me!” — E. Schneider
Have a fantastic week!
Many blessings,
PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: “How to Read Your Birth Chart” and feel free to go to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecasts 😉

Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.