On Nov. 6th in the afternoon, the Moon Nodes switched from Leo/Aquarius to Cancer/Capricorn; they will remain in those signs until May 2020! The last time the Moon Nodes were in these particular signs was back in April, 2000 — October, 2001.
The Moon Nodes show us what our Soul’s Journey currently requires on the collective and personal levels — let’s take a closer look at what this means:
The goal of the collective Soul’s journey is to balance and integrate two apparently opposite energies: our inner experience (symbolized by Cancer), and our outer obligations or goals (Capricorn). This will take looking closely at the balance between taking care of ourselves, versus taking care of others — and also at who we are inside, versus what we project to the world, how we portray ourselves.
This is also about developing healthy foundations, emotionally and materially, in private and in public. As best as you can, avoid “should-ing” on yourself: Take the pressure off, perhaps by saying “I’m doing the best I can and that’s all I can ever do”) 😉
To get a more personal interpretation, we also need to take a look at the House placement of that Cancer/Capricorn polarity in our own birth charts, as well as the signs involved… we cover the houses in the webinar (I will include a link at the end of this article).
In Cancer, the North Node invites us to let ourselves be…
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… vulnerable, get more in touch with our personal needs and nurture ourselves, and make time for home and family.
Success will now come easier if we are working on our inner emotional foundation and our “base”; following our personal instincts (rather than being driven by our ambitions) will bring greater happiness, balance, and fulfillment in all areas of life.
For the next 18 months, ask yourself: Is where I’m rooted helping me thrive? If I were a young plant or tree, would I say I was planted in fertile ground? What else do I need to flourish and grow? What has changed in the past 9 years in that regard? How could I make my experience of “home” more nurturing?
The Capricorn South Node insists that we rein in any tendency to over-manage our own and others’ lives and relax our standards of perfection and achievement. The message is to avoid living up solely to the standards of “society” and overvaluing our professional or other “status” achievements over those of a more personal kind. In the same spirit, we are invited to be more conscious of our tendency to want to be “in control”, to take responsibilities too seriously, to be rigid, and to be fearful of being dependent on others.
It comes down to this: What might become possible if we connected our strong need for structure and maturity to a good dose of emotional and physical Self-care? If there was a way to combine self-nurturing with building practical, serviceable social structures, what might that way be?
As always when Cancer and Capricorn are involved, take baby-steps (or, if you prefer, go one day at a time 😉 Why sprint if walking got you there at the perfect time? (if nothing else, you won’t be out of breath when you arrive 😉 Right now, it’s not about being the first one to arrive at the goal, it’s more about getting there without neglecting yourself.
It’s also worth mentioning the Saturn and Moon transits that will impact us for the next 18 months, since Saturn, currently also in Capricorn, emphasizes the issues connected with the Capricorn South Node.
This could bring up a sense of inadequacy or insecurity when it comes to building foundations in our lives, manifesting things, or achieving success or status. The more we obsess, the more inadequate we will feel; the key is to slow down, be patient, and practice working towards a longer-term goal. Continually observe what works (and what doesn’t) in the moment, rather than hold on to any outdated traditions that no longer serve us, whether collectively or in our own individual lives.
Moon Nodes are also connected to the Eclipse cycles; each of these cycles prompts us to evolve and provides an opportunity to progress to the next level of our Soul’s Journey, collectively and individually. The Solar Eclipse in 20.5º of Cancer on July 12th, 2018 started a new Eclipse cycle connected to the Cancer/Capricorn polarity.
Think back to that time and see what you discovered about yourself in relationship to Self-care. How was it a new beginning (or perhaps a preview of what’s to come) in connection with family, home (this could be a physical or emotional “home”) — was there a shift around feeling “at home” or “safe”, both internally and in the world?
We also discussed this in more detail during our last Forecasting Forum, in connection with our own birth charts; if you’d like to know more about how the Moon Nodes’ movements impact you personally, click here to get the video of the Forum.
Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
I’m new to the astrology aspect of my journey. I would like to ask what my first step should be.
Hi Shelia, Thank you for reaching out. If you are new to Astrology, you may want to either get a Reading or take one of my Soul-Based Astrology Courses. Feel free to take a look at the “Online Courses” page and the “Services” page on my site, to see what’s a good fit for you at this time. If you want to get a Reading, I would suggest to either start with a Soul Purpose Reading or a Whole Life Reading 😉 Looking forward to supporting you! Love and blessings, Sonja
Very interesting. I’m curious as to how it will affect me. If there is such a thing, the nodes moving into cancer/Capricorn will be a “nodal” return for me as this was their placement in my natal chart.
Hi Aleita, Thanks for reaching out. I recommend watching the webinar on the Moon Nodes in Cancer/Capricorn — click here: https://goo.gl/UqfQLJ We talked about the Nodal Return there, or if you want I could also do a 25-minute Reading for you, and we can talk about it in more detail, one-on-one, over the phone, skype, FaceTime or zoom 😉 Simply go to my Services page and select the 25-min. Soul Purpose Reading… Looking forward to being in touch! Love and blessings, Sonja