Join me as I share about several upcoming astrological events:
* A powerful New Moon/Solar Eclipse in 18.5º of Leo (exact on Aug. 11th, 2018 at 5:58am EDT)
* This being another North Node Eclipse and SuperMoon
* Seven retrograde planets: Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto
* Four planets in their own signs: Neptune in Pisces, Saturn in Capricorn, Venus in Libra & the Sun in Leo
* Mercury is still retrograde until Aug. 19th, and conjuncts the Sun and Moon in Leo
* The Eclipse making a Quincunx to Pluto in Capricorn
* The Eclipse also making a Square to Jupiter in Scorpio
* This Eclipse chart also has one T-Square involving: Saturn in Capricorn as the Focus point, and Venus in Libra opposing Chiron in Aries
* Empty leg of this T-square lands in Cancer
* Best and most potent time to set some powerful intentions for this Eclipse cycle
Is the outside world in alignment with what you are experiencing internally right now?
Where have your passions tipped into obsessions?
Where are you coming from survival, rather than love and joy?
What might be possible if you dared to speak from, for, and with love?
Do you have an Ascendant (or personal planets) in 13-24 degrees of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus or Scorpio?
Feel free to also watch a 20 min. excerpt from our most recent Forecasting Forum about the Eclipses
To get the whole 90+ min. Eclipse webinar/Forum, click here (If you are already a Star or SuperStar Member, check your email for the link to the mp4-video recording 😉
THIS MONTH ONLY you can get a FREE copy of the entire Eclipse webinar/Forum by signing up for either the next two Forecasting Forums (late Aug. & Sept.) in advance. Click here to take advantage of that deal
by joining as a Star or SuperStar Member by the end of the month: click here to join
upgrade your Universal Membership via your “My Subscriptions” tab inside your Members account by August 28th 😉
My next MONTHLY FORECASTING FORUM — which is a 90-minute webinar — will be on Tuesday, August 28th at 2pm PDT/5pm EDT/10pm BST (London-time). PLEASE NOTE that we’ll talk about the Mars Station in 28.5º of Capricorn (goes direct on Aug 27th), and the Saturn Station in 2.5º of Capricorn (goes direct on Sept. 6th)
If you want to know how these planetary movements are going to impact you personally, SIGN UP to join the webinar LIVE, or register to receive an mp4/video presentation within 24 hours of the live event.
Other than booking a reading with me, this is the maximum level of support I offer — and it’s now $37 for the 90+ minute webinar.
TO JOIN FOR FREE, become a Star or SuperStar Member.
TO REGISTER for her Forum at the regular fee, click here
To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my recent class on “How to Read Your Birth Chart”
Daily Astrological posts & announcements for best time to set Intentions after each New Moon becomes exact:
To book a reading with me, click here All readings are done via skype, FaceTime, zoom or phone

Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.
Hi Sonja,
Thank you for the great insights into this upcoming Solar Eclipse. Very timely for me as it will be conjoining my Sun and squaring my Taurus Moon.
Question: You said that it’s a 19 year cycle between Solar eclipses in Leo and that the next one will be in 2036. I checked it out with my software and that is indeed correct. However, 2036 minus 2018 equals 18. I haven’t been able to account for the discrepancy. Can you shed some light?
Thanks very much,
Thanks so much for reach out, Bill and for the excellent question. The reason why it’s a 19-year cycle between Eclipses is connected to the exact degree an Eclipse occurs in. The first Solar Eclipse in Leo in 2036 will be in the same degrees as the Solar Eclipse we had last year in Leo, on Aug. 21st, 2017… so that makes a 19 year cycle again 😉 Hope this makes sense and answers your question… many blessings, Sonja
Hi Sonja!
It’s always a pleasure to watch your Astrological Forecast Videos. This one in particular answered and addressed several questions and concerns I had personally. I have seen various Astrology styles, and I know there are different ones that resonate with others, but by-far your approach is definitely for an individual looking for growth and personal evolution from a heart centered, advanced platform. Thank You for the various Coaching Questions you offer in all your videos. You are doing excellent work in your desired field of study and career!
Best of Wishes!
Thanks so much for your kind message, Danielle! Happy to hear that you enjoyed the Solar Eclipse video. Much love and many blessings to you! Sonja
Thank you, Sonja! Happy Eclipse everybody! There are several groups of symbols correlating with each degree of the zodiac, the Sabians being the most well-known. My favorites are the Chandra symbols because of an unpublished commentary by one of my teachers Ellias Lonsdale. What follows is the Chandra image of the nineteenth degree of Leo, our eclipse degree followed my adaptation based on Ellias’ commentary.
A hummingbird feeding at a trumpet vine
Bright spirit
Highly quickened
By contact
With Source
Alive to the intra-flow
Of self and Spirit
Turning optimal possibilities
Into tangible realities
Wildly exuberant
Entirely uncontainable
Drawn to embody
The full range of experience
Burning up with the magic
Of what wants to emerge
Through those willing
To blaze a trail
Giving everything
To receive in kind
Mustering whatever it takes
To manifest a vision
Bringing considerable challenges
When so many are snoozing
Moving through the edges
With daring and aplomb
Needing to realize That
Which resides within self
A center that is everywhere
And whose circumference is nowhere
Lessons in humility
And surrender
All the way into the shadows
So that the brightness may shine forth
Thomas Moore, a Jungian, had this to say about images: “An image is a powerful thing. Non-romantics may prefer abstractions, but others appreciate the importance of images. Being a romantic in the age of rationalism and technology requires one to be eccentric and outside the pale, a holy fool, basking in the images and shooing away those who would squeeze life’s meaning into facts and rules. Spirituality is a willingness to remain in the mistiness of images and their deep, natural intelligence. Allow them to sink in deep to the mystery to which they point.”