On April 19th at 7:12am EDT, another Full Moon becomes exact, and this is the second of two Full Moons in Libra within a 30-day period.
This doesn’t happen too often; the last time we had two consecutive Full Moons in the same sign was June of 2016, in Sagittarius-Gemini — the last time it happened in the sign of Libra-Aries was 57 years ago, in April 1962. If you are already a Member of our online community, feel free to also watch my video on the subject.
Two consecutive Moons in the same sign is particularly interesting because of the degree in which they becomes exact — it is usually an exalted degree — and the current Full Moon becomes exact in 29 degrees of Libra. This is an exalted degree because it is the last degree of the sign and it’s therefore the last chance for any transiting celestial body to express itself before changing signs.
This would indicate a strong urge to complete something, most likely something that started with the first Full Moon in 0º of Libra on March 20th — and therefore connected to relationships, a desire for balance and equality (including harmony in our environment and with ourselves).
With any Full Moon, we see things that we have not been aware of before, and we get a chance to make some changes if we don’t like what we see. Ask yourself: What’s been happening to me since March 20th, when it comes to others? What needs adjusting? What needs to simply change?
That said, we discussed the Aries-Libra polarity at length in the first Libra Full Moon video, posted in March (to hear about that polarity, click here) — so let’s focus now on the aspects connected to this month’s Full Moon chart, starting with two Uranus aspects:
First: Uranus, in an early degree of Taurus, and aligns with the Sun, which is in the last degree of Aries, and therefore also opposes the Moon. Uranus symbolizes the desire for…
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Uranus symbolizes the desire for freedom, divine equality, and humanitarian progress. Because this is an “out-of-sign” aspect, we are invited to honor our differences with others and adjust accordingly, as our values naturally will not always line up exactly.
Ask yourself: What’s mine? What isn’t? What if it were ok to have a different outlook from others? What about different values?
Second: Uranus opposite the Moon invites us to pay attention, both to feelings (and emotional responses), and to insights about personal progress and any future visions we identify with. We become more aware that we need to balance the reinvention of our personal goals and values against our need to connect and collaborate with others.
Ask yourself: What needs to break down so I can have breakthroughs in my relationships? What if it were possible for me to express myself uniquely as who I am, without compromise, and still consider other people’s feelings and needs?
How can I honor my unique Self — i.e. allow myself to be different, want different things, have different values — while still connecting harmoniously with others?
As best as you can, reexamine your various one-on-one relationships and ask yourself: Do any of my relationships stifle my unique spark? How can I balance my need for connection and harmony with my desire for freedom? What if I could have both?
Venus (the ruler of Libra) is currently in Pisces and quincunxes the Moon. Here we are invited to make some internal adjustments. We may want to connect with others, while also needing to go within and value our intuitive, more creative side. Ask yourself: What do I sense when I get really quiet? How might a compassionate approach be of service? How might plenty of rest or meditative time with my higher Self contribute to my interactions with others?
Venus also conjuncts with the Mercury/Chiron alignment in Aries — another “out-of-sign” aspect. Adjustments are required when we try to connect with others and try to communicate our goals and desires.
As best as you can, whatever you do or don’t communicate, cut yourself a little slack. Be open to bringing love and understanding to your communications. This planetary alignment allows us to talk about our flaws and insecurities, and thereby begin to heal them, so allow yourself to take a unique and kind approach.
Being human means being “imperfect”; there is no shame in that — it is our so-called imperfections that open hearts (our own and other people’s), that create and spread compassion.
Ask yourself: Could I give myself 5% more permission to be “imperfect”? Could I love myself because of those so-called imperfections? Does blaming or judging myself or others for being “imperfect” actually serve me? Does it actually serve anyone at all?
Could I therefore be open to the possibility that my “imperfections” — whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual — exist to serve not only my personal evolution, but also that of humanity? If that were true, what would else would need reevaluating?
We are also dealing with two stationing planets in this Full Moon chart: Saturn and Pluto, both in Capricorn, are preparing for their yearly Retrograde phases. I mentioned this briefly in my last New Moon video, and we’ll also talk about the subject in more detail in April 19th’s Forecasting Forum — in fact, we’ll be relating it directly to our own Birth charts! If you’d like to join this live event (or view the video afterwards) — or if you’d simply like to learn more about the Forum, click here.
Star or SuperStar Members: as always, you are automatically signed up for the Forum; you will receive a link via email to join the live webinar, and a link via another email for the video presentation. Watch out for those emails (and check your junk mail, if you don’t see them in your inbox 😉
Pluto in Capricorn is not only exalted due to its station phase, it also squares the Full Moon; this tells us that deep structural changes need to occur, both in our own lives, and collectively. Ask yourself: What am I building long-term that supports my Soul Purpose, my passion? What am I building that doesn’t?
If you feel pressured into doing something, or you feel a power-struggle build, do your best to get centered and grounded, then connect from your open heart.
Another question you can ask yourself: What role does fear play in my life? Where does it create attachment to the past? Where do I feel a need to protect myself? When do I feel a need to keep things close to the vest?
The solution to this intense combo is self-care! As best as you can, make sure that your glass is full before you offer others a drink from it: take care of your feeling body. Ask: What do I need to feel empowered from within? More sleep? Healthier foods? More regular mealtimes? More water? Affection? Breaks? Long showers? Bubble baths? Safe, familiar connections with others?
Jupiter in Sagittarius, currently in its yearly Retrograde phase (since April 10th), sextiles the Moon and squares Venus:
The sextile to the Moon in Libra is an opportunity to connect with others for collaboration and an exploration of our beliefs about life. Ask yourself: Am I open to exploring something different? Am I open to seeing something that I haven’t seen before? Am I open to new adventures? How might a wider view support my connections with others?
The square to Venus in Pisces is asking us to stretch and grow — this particular square is all about fast vs. slow, extroverted vs. introverted, impulsive vs. thoughtful, direct vs. meditative, straightforward vs. ambiguous or long-winded. This could lead to overdoing, overindulging, overspending, and overstating our feelings. Avoid hasty decisions!
Ask yourself: What would it look like if I could walk my talk 5% more, instead of getting caught up in idealized fantasies or dreams? What if I looked within before making assumptions? What if my truths applied to me only? How might this contribute to my inner peace and connections with others?
Mars (ruler of Aries) is currently in Gemini and squares Neptune in Pisces. Here we are required to make some adjustments — and we may need to do a little more stretching and growing, this time around our inner and outer experiences. We may have a hard time staying focused and organized; as best as you can, be gentle with yourself and others, seek to understand, then be understood.
Fast vs. slow, extroverted vs. introverted, applies here as well 😉 Ask yourself: How can I make space for a little bit of each?
To sum it all up: The March 20 Full Moon at 0º Libra catalyzed new connections and collaborations; the April 19 Full Moon at 29º Libra spotlights what changes remain to be made if partnerships and co-creations are to go the next level.
As best you can, let go of anything that doesn’t empower you or your long-term goals; instead align with your divine mission... Ask: What feels empowering? What do I feel passionate about? If fear were not present, what would be the next best step towards moving in that direction?
And of course, in order to create more spaciousness and release your fears, focus on taking care of yourself physically and emotionally.
Ask yourself: What brings my physical and emotional being to “Ahhhhh”? What if I spent just 5% more time on those things? What makes me feel nourished and relaxed?
For those of you who love my coaching questions, I have one more Bonus questions for you towards the end of the article.
Now, I’ve had a few questions come in about Memberships, so I thought I’d take a minute to address them:
Firstly, you have a lot of flexibility with Memberships; you can upgrade, downgrade, suspend (aka pause) your Membership at any time.
If you pause or suspend your membership, you will not be charged; your Membership Bonus (MB) emails restart the moment you reinstate your Membership, and you will not lose any of your Membership Bonus courses in the meantime — they’ll be waiting for you when you return.
If you cancel your Membership, on the other hand, your Membership Bonus courses are immediately no longer available to you; the same is true of the rest of the Members’ content, and you may lose your chance to have your current Membership discounts be locked in for life.
Talking of cancellation, please be aware that if your credit card numbers or expiration dates change, you may lose your Membership, because the system won’t be able to charge your card — this can happen if your card has to be replaced due to fraudulent activity, for example. We’ve found that the site doesn’t handle it well if you have multiple cards on file (it gets confused as to which card to charge); we’ve been trying to get that fixed, but for now, I request that you only have one card on file inside your Members portal.
For more info on how to manage your Membership portal, please watch our brief Member’s demo video: click here to watch. If you would like to receive this video via email, please email us at info@AstrologerCoach.com and write “Members demo video” in the subject line.
Now a couple of things for SuperStar Members — first, I’ve had a few requests to roll over monthly Coaching-Healing sessions to a later time. Unfortunately, as stated in the Member Bonus emails, I simply cannot do this. I wish I could make exceptions, but my schedule would very quickly become unmanageable…
Secondly, please watch out for all Super-Star **Member Bonus** emails — not only do you immediately become eligible for your monthly Coaching-Healing sessions upon becoming a SuperStar, after two months of membership, you are eligible to receive the Soul-Based Basics course, and after three months, your Yearly Reading! Please watch out for those emails and click on the links inside the emails to get access or schedule your sessions!
Ok, so let’s wrap up with a Bonus Question: For the next two weeks, ask yourself: What might it look like to honor my own special brand of “crazy” whilst still collaborating and connecting with others?
Do you have your Ascendant (or any personal planets) in 27-29 degrees of Aries, Libra, Capricorn, Cancer or 0-1 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius? If so, you may feel the effects of this Full Moon more strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).

Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.