On Oct. 13th, at 5:08pm EDT, the Sun opposes the Moon in 20 degrees of Aries — the Moon in pioneering, fast-paced Aries makes an opposition to the Sun in harmony-loving, balance-seeking Libra.

Generally, a Full Moon brings our attention to our “emotional body”, increasing our awareness of what has been suppressed or ignored. This is especially true for this particular Full Moon — for much of this month, we are invited to direct our attention toward deeper self-care and more authentic connections to our emotional bodies. If you are a site Member, you may also want to watch my video on the subject

The Aries/Libra polarity directs our awareness to the roles we identify with in our various one-on-one relationships — and this Full Moon is thus a call to take action on those roles. In particular, it brings the focus to “independence”, so ask yourself: Where do I need to be more assertive? More accommodating? Where have I been too independent? Too dependent? What roles or contracts need to be revisited?

This also involves the balance of feminine and masculine energies within ourselves, our relationships, and our world. Ask: Where have these energies gone out of balance? What happens when there is too much masculine? Too much feminine?

On the day of the Full Moonthe Sun in Libra sextiles Jupiter in Sagittarius, and the Moon in Aries trines Jupiter. We feel an enthusiasm for personal achievement and exploration; in particular, we have an urge to explore something new that helps us develop an all-around understanding of the bigger picture. Focusing on…


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All of this is especially true for those of us with personal planets or points in 18-22 degrees of Aries, Libra, Capricorn or Cancer (the personal planets are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars; personal points are the Ascendent or MC).

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