The next Full Moon will be “exact” on Feb. 19th at 10:54am EST, in almost 1 degrees of Virgo.
A Full Moon is always an opposition between the Moon and the Sun; during these oppositions, we seek balance, alignment and integration around two perspectives that seem like polar opposites — very often we experience this (and achieve it) through our interactions with others, so relationships of all kinds are highlighted during Full Moons. Feel free to also watch my video for more
The Moon in Virgo opposes the Sun in Pisces. If you are already familiar with this polarity, feel free to skip ahead to the aspects involved in this Full Moon chart…
Virgo seeks personal wholeness; Pisces reminds us of an even greater wholeness — our divinity and interconnectedness with all of life.
Virgo benefits from apprenticeship, whereas Pisces learns to trust inner guidance above all else — when balanced, we are able to discern without judgment, serve without obligation, and love all of creation, including ourselves.
Virgo analyzes, Pisces feels: We are invited to discern what’s real, so we can make healthier choices.
To find the balance between Virgo and Pisces, ask yourself:
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Where do I need to be more selective? Where do I need to be more accepting? How can I tap into my inner knowingness to inform practical choices? What if “choosing” was already (and always) in alignment with divine timing?
What results might I get in my daily life if I dissolved my fears, judgments, and painful memories? Even if I could only do that as best as I can? What might a daily practice of self-forgiveness, acceptance, and learning to love myself do for me? What else might bring more inner peace?
All Full Moons bring awareness to a polarity and this illuminates the shadow sides of both signs:
Virgo’s shadow side is “Judgement”; this creates separation from others and a split within ourselves, closing our heart and limiting our ability to learn. It keeps us stuck in duality, defending our position or attacking others; it’s what is showing up when we label things as “good or bad”, rather than seeing them in terms of “useful or unproductive”.
Drawing on the higher vibrations of Pisces helps us connect with the higher vibration of Virgo… Pisces’s best qualities are compassion, intuitiveness, open-heartedness, inspirational creativity and imagination; at its best, Pisces understands that we are all souls in various states of development, doing the best we can.
The shadow side of Pisces is ambiguity, escapism, helplessness or victimization, and poor or missing boundaries. And just as the converse is true, the best qualities of Virgo can move us back into the higher vibration of Pisces. These qualities include the ability to choose wisely and to objectively discern what works and what doesn’t.
When both sides are well-integrated, we possess acuity of mind, united with the wisdom of our heart, and the guidance of our intuition.
Ask yourself: What single step could I take right here and now, if I were setting out to employ 5% more self-compassion, unconditional love, and selfless service?
What if there were synergies between my emotional, intuitive understanding and my rational, scientific understanding? Do I really have to choose between scientific facts and intuitive knowingness? What if I could have both? How might that be possible?
For the next two weeks, Virgo asks us to become aware of the clutter that is distracting us from our priorities, so ask yourself: What in my current daily life is nourishing? And what might be toxic? Where are things piling up?
Virgo’s highest vibration is also about Service — and to genuinely be of service, we must acquire discernment — not judgement, not criticism, not perfectionism, rather the ability to focus objectively on what is helpful, and set aside the rest — in order to serve, we must first realize that we have something to offer.
Ask yourself: What if I didn’t have to be perfect to be of service? What might I notice if I were 5% more mindful of my inner dialog? What if I brought 5% more compassion to myself? Even to my inner critic? Or even to my fearful mind chatter?
Let’s talk about some of the aspects of this Full Moon chart: the Moon in Virgo trines Mars in Taurus, Uranus in the last degree of Aries, and Quincunxes Chiron in zero degrees of Aries.
Let’s start with the Trine to the Mars/Uranus conjunction: This combo creates a “mutual support system” around manifesting something real in alignment with our vision. It provides a flow of practical approaches, a wonderful opportunity to connect to what we feel most passionate about (and what we value); a desire to simply enjoy “the good things in life” also emerges, and therefore we might want to connect with nature, the earth.
Ask yourself: What do I value most about myself? About Life? When I look at that, what do I discover about my relationship to the physical world, to this planet? What might I want to investigate that is not supporting that relationship? How might I connect my goals and ideas to the physical world and to Nature in a healthy way?
Now let’s take a look at the Quincunx to Chiron: Chiron leaves Pisces and moves into Aries the day before the Full Moon becomes exact; at the time of the Full Moon it is making a Quincunx to the Moon in Virgo. This is an opportunity to focus on healing any health issues we may have, or on incorporating healing into our daily routines.
Whenever a planet changes signs, its archetypal energies are heightened and intensified! Chiron, the wounded healer, reminds us that anything can heal through the power of acceptance and love, and that healing happens by reclaiming and re-integrating those parts of ourselves that seem limited or “imperfect”.
Check to see: do I feel unloved? Unworthy? Simply not good enough? And if I have those feelings, could I allow them simply to be here, just for right now? Could I be open to the possibility that these feelings are coming up right now, to be acknowledged and released?
Check to see if you are maybe revisiting themes that came up around late April/early May of last year, when Chiron entered Aries for the first time — if you can, take a particular look at April 24th, 2018 around 6pm EST, when the Moon had just entered Virgo that day and quincunxed Chiron…
Ask yourself: What was present in my life back then? How would I characterize my relationship with the active/masculine energies within or around me? Did I have any realizations about my body? My health? My personal goals? What was my understanding of what needed further healing/compassion or self-forgiveness? What still does?
Let me also say a couple of words about Chiron in Aries: The healing path of this sign is one of seeing, acknowledging, embracing, and finally loving ourselves just as we are — physically, emotionally, and spiritually — especially when it comes to our personal goals, leadership and inspirational abilities, our ability to take action, and our “masculine” drive.
Broadly speaking, then: our capacity to go after what we desire… We get to see that we all have the ability to heal, and be healed, through our actions. Each of us can step into our inner healer in our own unique way.
After Feb. 18th, you can ask yourself: What is the next step on the path of healing for my inner child? My inner wounding? How were my ancestors wounded around “the masculine”? How are we collectively wounded around the “masculine”? What next step could I personally take on that healing path?
Chiron in Aries also has us look at some of the following: How we express our anger (or how we don’t), how we might further heal our relationship to our body (this includes sexuality, gender, etc.), and our personal desires or identities. It illuminates how we do or do not take initiative, display courage, and practice self-determination.
Ask: What would a healthy combination of identity, independence, and willpower enable me to do? Might accepting my limitations lead to unique ways to move with those things? What makes me an individual? What are my unique desires and goals?
In one of my webinars, we talked about Chiron in Aries (and Uranus in Taurus) in relationship to our own birth charts — major shifts ahead! Feel free to purchase this webinar here — if you haven’t seen it yet.
Are any of the following true of you: you were born either between April 1968 and May 1976, or Oct. 1976 – March 1977, your natal Chiron is in the first House of your Birth chart, the ruler of your natal Chiron’s sign is either in Aries, or your first House? If so, I highly recommend you watch my webinar about Chiron in Aries, or read my article on the subject (the article is accessible to all my Members for FREE, and also included as a hand out in the webinar 😉
The Sun, Neptune, and Mercury are all in Pisces at the time of this Full Moon, drawing us inward, influencing us to seek silence and solitude, so we can hear the quiet truth of our intuition and release what no longer serves our Soul’s evolution.
Mercury (the ruler of Virgo) aligns with Neptune in Pisces… Ask yourself: If I were to be totally honest with myself, what would I notice is draining, rather than inspiring me? What might happen if I surrendered my conditioned mind to divine consciousness? Could I be open to receiving guidance directly from my higher Self, my Soul-Self? If my feelings had words and could speak, what would they say? What would my dreams say? What message might my intuition have to give me?
How could plenty of sleep, rest, or going within serve my connection to the divine (aka “source”)? What else could show me my own divine nature?
Pisces understands that everything is made up of energy and therefore interconnected. If we can recognize that we are doing the best we can at any given time, and that on a spiritual level all “mistakes” are just “experiences”, we can learn about empathy — and our brain will re-pattern itself around compassion, rather than criticism.
Ask yourself: What might be possible if I allowed my mind to be just 5% more relaxed? What if I stood in allowing, curiosity, and creative spaciousness? Am I currently using my imagination to inspire me or scare me? Do I have a tendency to go towards worst-case or best-case scenarios? What might “universal love” choose?
There is at least one way to immediately heighten our connection with the Pisces energy, and it’s free to all: simply becoming more aware of our breath. The moment you feel ungrounded or overwhelmed, ask yourself: Could I slow down and notice my breathing? What might breathing deeply and mindfully bring to this moment?
Mercury enters its Shadow phase right before the Full Moon becomes exact; this is 3 weeks prior to its Retrograde phase, so it will remain in this intuitive sign until April 17th. We will talk in more detail about Mercury’s Shadow, Station, and Retrograde phases in our next Forum on Feb. 20th!
If you want to know how this planetary movement is going to impact you personally, SIGN UP to join the webinar LIVE, or register to receive an mp4 video presentation within 24 hours of the live event.
If you’re not yet a Star or SuperStar Member, register here, or you can also upgrade your Membership to STAR level, via your Membership portal. I have a brief Members demo video that shows how to do this. Click on the link... If you need additional support, just email me:
Star and SuperStar Members are automatically registered and will receive an email on the day of the webinar to join live — and you also will automatically receive a video of the Forum within 24 hours of the live event.
Lastly, the Mercury/Neptune alignment in Pisces, sextiles the Venus/Saturn alignment in Capricorn and squares Jupiter in Sagittarius.
First let’s talk about the Sextile to the Venus/Saturn alignment: we get an opportunity to be very present, and also to connect with others to share practical advice, or talk about our long-term plans. As best as you can, bring a sense of flow and divine trust to your interactions with others: Know that all is well, and everything happens for a reason.
Ask yourself: What if my inner universe is already manifesting outwardly? How can I connect to what’s inside of me, trust it, and let it guide me from a place of acceptance and self-love? What practical steps can I take to manifest my intuitive guidance? What does “intuitive self-responsibility” mean to me? What if what I seek can only be found within?
Now let’s look at the Square to Jupiter: Squares always ask us to stretch and grow around polarities — and this particular square, with Jupiter in Sagittarius vs. Mercury/Neptune in Pisces is all about fast vs. slow, extroverted vs. introverted, physical vs. emotional inspiration, impulsive vs. thoughtful, meditative vs. direct, straightforward vs. ambiguous or long-winded. Phew.
Ask yourself: What if I were a unique Soul becoming more aware every day of my divinity? What if surrendering my mental conditioning and the concepts of “who I think I am” would accelerate that journey? What if I experimented just for one day with those ideas?
What if I looked within, before leaping into outer action? What daily practice could support my looking before I leap? What if I spent 5% less time caught up in idealized phantasies or dreams?
What if my truths applied to me only? How might this contribute to my inner peace?
This Full Moon invites us to “be love” in thought and action. It also reminds us that our mindfulness and open heart make a difference, not only in our own life, but in the world. Before taking action (or if you are simply feeling ambiguous about something) ask yourself: What would love do? What would my heart say, if it had words and could speak?
Rather than pushing, over-thinking or giving up, I invite you to conduct small, simple experiments and have faith in universal support…
For the next two weeks, ask yourself: Where is the balance point of intellect and intuition? Striving and surrender? What if I trusted 5% more in the “perfect” outcome?
What if far more is happening, both within each one of us, and around the world, than meets the eye, ear, or TV news? What if the solutions are already in existence… just not widely distributed?
To sum it all up: This Full Moon reminds us that, no matter what chaos, intensity and craziness might be going on outside of us, we have only to look inside to find our truth, to find peace. It’s in our hearts that we’ll find what matters — and what we can believe in whole-heartedly. Peace comes from within, from each one of us… We are what we choose to be in every “moment of now”… so choose wisely! Our future is being born breath by breath, step by step, heart by heart.
For the next two weeks, as best as you can therefore, simply observe like a scientist, from a place of neutrality and curiosity. Notice what serves you in the moment, and always bring compassion to the table!
To learn more about additional aspects connected to this month’s Full Moon, please click here to watch my video.
Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point, or personal planets in 0-3 degrees of Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius, or 28-29 degrees of Leo, Aquarius, Taurus or Scorpio? If so, this month’s Full Moon will affect you more; the same is true for those of us with our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer).

Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.