On Nov. 30th at 4:30am EST, a Full Moon becomes exact in 8.5 degrees of Gemini. This powerful Full Moon is also a Lunar Eclipse, the first of two Eclipses within a two week-period, offering an opportunity for expanding our thinking and expressing ourselves with confidence and optimism.
During a Lunar Eclipse, the Full Moon slowly dims as it passes through the Earth’s shadow, a Lunar Eclipse therefore stimulates our emotional body and increases our awareness of unconscious patterns and fears. If you are already a Member of my online community, click here to watch my Lunar Eclipse video for more details.
Eclipses are always powerfully connected to the Moon Nodes and thus to our Soul’s Journey (on a collective and individual level). All Eclipses transmit new energetic codes and transformative downloads, symbolized by the signs involved: The Moon and the North Node are in chatty, versatile Gemini, while the Sun and the South Node are in adventurous, truth-seeking Sagittarius. Feel free to also check out my webinar in connection with those Moon Nodes: our collective Soul Journey until Jan. 2022 (if you haven’t seen it yet).
The more receptive we are to these transformative downloads, the easier and more quickly we can integrate them: time in nature, meditation, art, and spiritual endeavors support this integration process and help us be attuned to these evolutionary upgrades.
Lunar Eclipses give us a chance to realize how far we’ve come since the time of the last set of Eclipses — we gain a better insight as to whether we are where we’d like to be, or if it’s time to correct our course.
The last Lunar Eclipse in the same polarity was on June 5th, 2020. This current Eclipse cycle will continue a conversation that started back then around our beliefs and attitudes towards government and how we meet challenges that are coming up as a collective: Could we each take responsibility for our part in that conversation and the stories we are attached to? Are we willing to participate in that conversation in a mature way? Are we hiding behind “old” beliefs and social conditioning?
Are we able to acknowledge our limitations and shortcomings without making others “wrong”? Are we willing to approach this unique collective situation with a curious mind and an open heart?
Now, write down those same coaching questions, and this time substitute “we” with “I”, “our” with “my”, etc. Notice how different the questions sound and feel…
Lunar Eclipses direct our attention to whatever needs to be integrated and balanced on a collective and individual level over a longer period of time. We are invited to get ready for some big shifts in our lives, especially around our relationship with our belief structures, and our ability to learn, stay adaptable, and use our day-to-day mind intelligently.
Our physical and emotional bodies strongly feel the intensity of it all. Just remember: Eclipses ultimately support a shift in consciousness and thus bring us closer to our Soul’s path.
Eclipse season already began on Nov. 20th (ten days prior to the Lunar Eclipse becoming exact)… it will last until Dec. 24th. Feel free to join us live on Dec. 6th at 11:30am EST for the last Forecasting Forum of the year!
We will take a look at the Jupiter-Saturn alignment in Aquarius, which starts a new 20-year social-economic cycle, and a larger 200-year cycle between these two social planets in the Air element! And I will also answer questions about the upcoming Eclipses!
To register for this moth only, click here. Registration also gives you access to the mp4-video recording of the live event. Star Members are automatically registered and will receive a link to join a day before and another on the day of the webinar.
This current Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse has two Quincunxes, a highly exalted Neptune in Pisces — that also squares the Moon Nodes — and a supportive connection to Chiron (the Wounded Healer). I will go into all those in detail in a moment…
As our collective consciousness continues to awaken, what’s been in the shadows comes to the forefront more and more, so we can see it more clearly and deal with it on a conscious level. Lunar Eclipses allow us to see the Shadow aspects of each sign as well.
The consequences of our choices and motivations also become more obvious. It is therefore more important than ever to ask yourself: Am I choosing from love or fear? Love expands, fear contracts. Love unifies, fear divides. What am I experiencing more of? And how could I experience 5% more expansion of the heart? 5% greater unification of mind and soul?
Until Jan. 2022, we will be dealing with the Sagittarius/Gemini polarity, as the Moon Nodes will be moving through those two mutable signs until then — and given this, we will be seeking balance and integration around those two poles — collectively and individually speaking… So let’s look at those signs in more detail:
The Moon and North Node in Gemini, invite us to…
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The Moon and North Node in Gemini invite us to make an effort to learn more about our communication skills — how we share or process information — and to look for ways to learn what we need if we are to connect all the dots and communicate intelligently.
Personal growth will now come easier if we are working on our communication skills and our day-to-day interactions with our immediate communities. Staying curious and open-minded (rather than coming from “already always knowing” or assumptions) will bring greater happiness, balance, and fulfillment in all areas of life.
Ask yourself: Are my communication skills helping me grow? If I were a teacher, would I say I was teaching others as much as learning from others? What else might I need to learn or understand in order to go beyond my cultural/religious conditioning? What has changed in the past 6months in that regard?
How could I make my experience of “processing/sharing information” and interacting with others more beneficial for everyone involved?
The Sun and South Node in Sagittarius insist that we rein in any tendency to be dogmatic with our belief systems and let go of “being right”. The message is to avoid living up solely to the standards of our cultural or religious conditioning and overvaluing our belief systems.
In the same spirit, we are invited to be more conscious of any tendency for us to become unquestioningly attached to the stories we tell ourselves about life, to be self-righteous, and to persecute those who differ in their point of view from ours.
It comes down to this: What might become possible if we spiced up our search for a higher truth (and meaning for life’s challenges) with a big pinch of curiosity and open-mindedness?
If there was a way to combine day-to-day thinking and mind-engagement with the wisdom we have gained from our direct life experiences… what might that way be?
As always when Gemini and Sagittarius are involved, we may feel restless and impatient; moving fast is what we prefer at this time — but the mind tends to forget that some parts of us may need more time to arrive where it has already leaped.
Remember that impatience is a form of fear: the fear of things moving too slowly, or of the timing of things not matching up with our conditioned thoughts or expectations.
Ask yourself: What is the difference between information and interpretation? What might change for me if I questioned my assumptions and what I think I know? Who I think I am? Why things are the way they are?
What new information might I spot if I stepped back and took a wider view?
Right now, it’s not about being right, and knowing it all, it’s more about connecting with others on a day-to-day basis in the spirit of mutual learning and sharing of information. You could ask yourself: Would I rather be right or happy? Would I rather be right or connected with others?
What is “truth”? How is it different from having a life perspective (or an opinion)? Could I be open to discussing my life perspectives or philosophies with others, without needing to be attached to everyone believing in the same story?
What if I was more conscious about my expectations of others and myself? Might that enable me to soften my grip a little?
The Shadow side of both of those signs: feeling scattered and overextended, being cynical, self-righteous, or dogmatic.
With Shadow issues, the more awareness we bring to them, the less impact they have on us. What we believe dictates what we are able to see. How we filter and interpret the millions of bits of sensory data processed by our nervous system each second determines our perception of reality.
As best as you can, integrate the Gemini mind energy/information/conditioning with Sagittarius’s wisdom-energy generated from life’s experiences and the quest for a larger truth and broader understanding.
Let’s take a look at some of the aspects of this Lunar Eclipse chart, starting with the most exact ones:
We have two Quincunxes in connection with the Sun and the Moon: The Moon in Gemini quincunxes Venus in Scorpio, turning our attention towards the mismatch between our need for mental stimulation, and our desire to connect on a deep emotional level.
Ask yourself: Am I after superficial exchanges? Or intense and authentic emotion?
Am I seeking out new information and keeping an open mind? Am I wanting to keep my mind busy with mental distractions — such as listening to the news or reading about other peoples’ opinions?
Do I feel nudged toward emotionally deep transformative connections? What are my motivations when connecting and relating to others? No matter what I engage in, could I drop any self-judgment? Could I even allow myself to dance with those mismatched energies?
Uranus, the planet most associated with individuation and innovation, is currently in Taurus and quincunxes the Sun in Sagittarius. This invites us to trust our body’s guidance, which could prove helpful, given an unexpected turn of events could leave us uneasy or unsettled.
Ask yourself: What messages does my body have for me? How flexible could I be if I really tried? What if I could ground my restlessness and energetic discomfort into the Earth? What needs to be shifted internally, so I can stay open and aligned with my unique, divine preferences? Could I be open to having a breakthrough in connection with the physical/material plane?
Remember: The best way to deal with Quincunxes is not to keep looking for the exact solution, but for ways to feel ok when things are not an exact match — in other words, when something is uncomfortable…
The Moon in Gemini makes a sextile to Chiron in Aries, and the Sun in Sagittarius trines Chiron. So let’s unpack that:
The Moon’s Sextile to Chiron is an opportunity to connect with others, to talk about our insecurities and sensitivities, and to take a fiercely compassionate approach toward ourselves and others, especially when it comes to personal goals and passions. We all have flaws, wounds, insecurities (especially right now); the more we can open up to that being ok, the less judgmental we will be with others.
Ask yourself: What will I do with this particular opportunity? What if taking a compassionate approach towards myself and others actually made for more fulfilling connections? How might a compassionate approach bring me into better alignment with my physical, mental, and emotional body?
For the next 6 months, as best as you can, practice gentleness and be kind to yourself and others, in words and deeds.
The Sun’s Trine to Chiron creates a supportive environment for healing our insecurities. We can bring greater awareness to our feelings of shame around our wounded masculine energies (not doing enough, not courageous enough, not producing enough, being over-assertive or too aggressive), and any self-deprecating thoughts or behaviors.
Something else that supports healing our insecurities is a sense that we are pursuing a worthy personal goal — this could be something as simple as a desire to explore and go beyond what we already know, or simply accepting our own human complexities while we are on “our mission”.
Ask yourself: How open can I be to being courageously myself, with all my sensitivities and insecurities? What if my so-called flaws and insecurities have become some of my best assets and strengths? Where might this be true for me?
How complex could I allow myself to be? How about everyone else out there in the world? Could I give others permission to be just as complex?
Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, is currently in Scorpio and sextiles Jupiter (the ruler of Sagittarius). Furthermore, since Jupiter is closely aligned with Pluto & Saturn in Capricorn, Mercury also sextiles those two.
This connection creates a possibility of expansion, empowerment, and self-mastery, via a deeper exploration of our motivations. We also have an opportunity to share what’s important to us from a place of open-mindedness, commitment, depth, emotional authenticity, and excitement.
It also spotlights the need to pay attention to the big picture on a collective level and to the inner processes connected to our fears and traumas from the past. Humor could be a way to tap into this energetic combo.
Ask yourself: What could I explore out there in the world that would relax my “survival mind”? Is a deeper mental process asking to be explored? If my life had a purpose, what might that be? What steps might better align me with my desire to feel empowered and whole? What will time do to support me in this?
The more planets concentrated in one sign, the more important those archetypes and lessons become; in this case we are dealing with multiple planets in Capricorn, and this intensifies the call for integrity, discipline, tenacity, the overcoming of challenges, and a responsible or mature use of power.
It also emphasizes the importance of consciously choosing what deserves our attention, rather than being at the mercy of whatever crosses our mind or path — or giving our power away to people or events that give us incomplete or incorrect or fear-inspiring information. Ask yourself: What is the best use of my time, energy, and resources? Where do I want to focus my attention? For example, might there be an empowering perspective on the current global health situation, one that could transform my thinking? Perhaps even bring greater inner peace and stability?
Neptune comes to halt in 18º of Pisces on Nov. 28th — to end its 5-month Retrograde phase, making its energy extra-potent at the time of the Lunar Eclipse. Neptune increases our access to spiritual insights and creativity at this time. We may want to practice going beyond our favorite stories and perceptions, to look for the spaciousness that we gain when we don’t give meaning to anything, and acknowledge the meaning we have already given to everything around us.
Ask yourself: What do I feel and perceive when I go beyond all stories, all assumptions, and all meaning? Just for a moment, could I release my attachments to the meanings I have given to everything — just for a moment, and just as best as I can, no better? How does it feel, and what do I perceive, when I do that? Might observing or simply being present with my thoughts and feelings on a daily basis — without judgment or needing to act — show me how much of my reality is shaped by my beliefs and biases?
Neptune in Pisces still squaring the Moon Nodes in Gemini-Sagittarius until Feb. 2021, encouraging us to use our sixth sense, and to double-check everything we hear and see against our inner intuitive knowing. Our intuition has access to divine intelligence, which is able to perceive paradoxes and the underlying interconnectedness, rather than parts and polarities.
Ask yourself: What doesn’t change, no matter when (or how often) I look? Could I look beyond the mind and tap into the larger field of energy all around me? What nourishes my soul? Could I make time for silence, surrender, and self-reflection? Even if it’s seems impossible… just a few minutes every day?
The empty leg (for Neptune’s Square to the Moon Nodes) lies in Virgo; this symbolizes that discernment is key! Virgo advises us to let go of judgement and concentrate on what is helpful.
Virgo also teaches us that small things matter. This could be: simple ways to make a difference for ourselves and others, health-wise and in our work routine — for example, a daily routine that incorporates spiritual practices and gentle exercise — it could also be about being of service.
Ask yourself: What might this look like for me? What little steps could I take to experience more peace in my daily life? What is truly helpful to me? Where could I be of service to others — perhaps by spreading more peace and love?
To sum it all up for this powerful Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse:
There are the facts, and then there is our interpretation — we attribute meanings, generate assumptions and conclusions, and these in turn harden into beliefs… and those beliefs create our reality. When we change our interpretation of the facts, we can change our perspective, and start creating a different reality.
This requires an open mind, an open heart, and the ongoing realization that nothing is static and nothing is separate… The observer affects what is observed because everything is always interacting with everything else.
So, what is Universal Truth? Wouldn’t it have to be something that is true no matter what? No matter what country I come from? No matter the color of my skin? No matter my sexual orientation? My status in society? My age? My physical appearance? My physical or mental health? The weather? What is always there if I look beyond memory or concepts, if I just look here and now?
It’s more important than ever to think with our heart, respond rather than react, and remember that we are all spiritual beings learning how to be human in a very different world than we lived in just 8 months ago. As best as you can, stay grounded, avoid distractions, and be very discerning about what deserves your attention and energy!
For the next six months, you could ask yourself: What do I learn from my interactions with others? What am I willing to learn? What could I read or watch that would give me new information that feels empowering to me and worth my time?
Remember: Eclipses bring a strong focus to endings and beginnings, pushing us forward in our evolution, and connecting us more fully to our Soul’s Journey. As best as you can, trust that whatever is leaving or falling apart is making way for something better — the more open we are to change, the easier it will be to go to the next level.
I’ll end here with a quote from Ann Albers: “Honor your earth and your fellow human beings. Keep your hearts open by being kind to yourself first. Then, no matter what anyone else does, be kind… Everyone is learning. Go forth with an open heart, for in each open heart the Divine finds an open window through which it can pour Love into your life and into the entire human race.”
Again, feel free to watch my Lunar Eclipse video for more details.
Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 3-14 degrees of Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, or Pisces? If so, you are more affected by this month’s Full Moon. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo, the Moon rules Cancer)

Sonja’s passion is for connecting with people and helping them transform their lives. This led her to train as a life coach, in addition to her lifelong study of Astrology. With her Readings, her coaching and her Soul-Based Astrology Courses she aims to empower and support people in fulfilling their life’s potential and aligning with Soul Purpose.